The Truth about Rebecca-1

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The dawn broke sleepily, the sun reluctantly showing its face over the top of the hills. From her open window, Rebecca McCrosby could see each individual dewdrop on each blade of grass through her professional hi-tech camera. *snap* The forest was a cacophony of eerie shades of greens, browns and blacks, encased in a sparkling cloud of mist *snap* The Robin sitting on the branch of the tall oak tree that grew in her front garden sang a pretty song of morning *snap* Putting the camera down, she pulled her desk chair to the window where a chilly breeze was blowing in, freshening up her lilac room and gazed out across the sun break, flooding the valley with warmth and light, making the frost sparkle innocently, turning the entire world around her into a landscape of glitter. She smiled at its beauty, though she knew no one would see it. This was why she got up early in the winter, to see the beauty of nature in the silence of the early morn and to capture it in still images that only gave half the beauty of the real thing.

She stood up, sighing and slid the window back down, took one last look at the landscape before her and turned to face her room. She made her bed, sorted out her school bag with all the appropriate books, etc, went downstairs and had some cereal, then went back upstairs to get dressed. She took a clean white shirt from her wardrobe, a grey pleated skirt, that would fall to just above her knees, black tights, grey jumper and a black blazer. Once dressed in the school uniform, she stood in front of her full length mirror and looked at her wavy brown hair, which fell smoothly to just below her shoulders. She brushed it through, then decided to put it in a ponytail with a black scrunchie, tucking her over-grown side-fringe behind her left ear. She smiled at the reflection in the mirror, grabbed her bag, then skipped across the landing and down the stairs.

"Bye mum!" she shouted up as she left, grabbing some money for dinner off the sideboard by the door, then she closed the door and walked off down the drive.

She passed the houses she knew so well, containing the people she had grown up with, known since childhood. Everyone's curtains were closed, lights out, few people were out on the cobbled road, just a few dog walkers and others, like Kayla, on their way to school. She saw a flash of blonde, about 6ft off the ground and knew who it was immediately, so she quietly, gracefully, tiptoed up behind him, then jumped onto his back for a piggy-back ride, shouting out, "TOBY!"

"Shhhhhh...ugar!!!!" he yelled, correcting himself before he swore at 200 decibels at 7:30 in the morning. She just laughed, clinging on like a monkey as he righted himself and hitched his arms around her legs to help keep her there.

"Mornin" she said cheerily, smirking at what she knew was going on in his head

"What the hell was that for?" he asked incredulously, "you could've broken my back or something!" He exclaimed

"Woops" she said quietly, hugging him and resting her chin on his head, "Sorry" she mumbled softly

"It's okay, so long as you don't do it again" he said playfully

They reached the bus stop and waited there for the bus into the main town a few miles away. Sometimes in the summer, they'd get up a little earlier and walk in to school, but when it was cold as it was now, they stayed warm and got on the bus instead. Kayla would take her camera on their walks and stop every now and then to photograph something Toby would never have even noticed had she not been there. That was one of the amazing things about Kayla, she was intrigued by nature and was always looking around, noticing things that other people would overlook or miss in their normal casual glance, not really seeing everything, only the bits they want to. The bus arrived and they climbed on, taking seats next to each other as the bus drove away...

"I see you have found her then" The voice came from behind him, making him jump at the sudden proximity of the stranger, he turned to face the owner of the gravelly, gruff voice and knew at once that this was her guardian.

"Does she know I'm coming? Is she expecting me?" He asked hopefully, but the gaurdian simply shook their head and said solemnly, "She knows nothing of this life, and knows nothing of you or me. I am simply here to watch over her until you arrive, you must teach her everything for she will need it"

"Don't worry, I will" replied he

"But go careful with her, for she is a delicate soul" were the guardian's last words, before disappearing into the shadows, as silently as they had come.

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