"Daddy, daddy! Look at this pretty lady I found!" Excuse me?! You thought.

The captain turned around so he was facing you and his kid, before sighing and rubbing his temple.

"Sweet pea, I told you to stop tricking women and bringing them to me." He groaned, and you felt your face heat up. He was really attractive. His spiky blonde hair and sharp red eyes made her heart speed up. Is this the charming prince that's supposed to sweep me off my feet?

"I'm really sorry about-" the man had been too busy with his daughter before taking a look at you, and felt his heart stop. You were...jaw-dropping. He'd have to thank his daughter later. He finally snapped out of his daze and tried to smile. It really wasn't his strong suit.

"...her..." he coughed awkwardly in an attempt to hide his upcoming blush.

"Anyways, she does this a lot, surprisingly. She wants me to get back out there and she thinks that catfishing women is the best way to do it since I never get off this boat." He rolled his eyes, which made you laugh, understanding his dilemma.

"No need to apologize. I have a pair of rambunctious twins at home who just won't leave any single man alone. Plus, your daughter is so sweet and cute so it wasn't much of a waste."

"You...you have kids too?" Could she be the one? Wait, I just met this chick...am I that lonely that I fall for women I just meet? Jesus Christ...

"Yup. One boy and one girl. Everyone says they're both the spitting image of me. I love them to death."

"Where are they? They with you?" He looked around, scouting out for two little H/c heads running around.

"Oh, I'm by myself. Everyone from my family told me to come on this cruise so I could 'reel a good one' to bring home to the kids. Haha..." you sighed and laughed awkwardly, feeling your embarrassment rise even more.

"Yikes! That sucks. Well, welcome to my ship. I hope to be seeing you around more often." He winked at you before walking away with his daughter in his hands.

Holy shit...! Suddenly, vacation got a lot more interesting. You thought. You knew you couldn't get with a hotshot like him, but it wouldn't hurt to look, right?

You walked back to your chair and saw a cup of wine on the little table next to her chair. She smiled softly and laid back down, enjoying the sun.

Fuck, fuck fuck...! Katsuki cursed. He couldn't get you out of his head. This isn't good, not one bit. His doctor warned him about this. His OLD wasn't supposed to be a problem as long as he took his medicine. Only problem was, he hadn't been taking his medicine.

Obsessive Love Disorder(OLD):

a condition in which one person feels an overwhelming obsessive desire to possess and protect another person, with an inability to accept failure or rejection.

The reason for this was because he wanted to be in love. His first wife gave him nothing and left him too. She always gave him shit for his disorder to the point where he didn't love her anymore. His doctor didn't think that was possible.

The way your swimsuit hugged your curves and your laugh drove him absolutely mad. He shouldn't be thinking these things about a guest on his boat, especially one he's only met once.

I can change that. He smirked.

He checked over the guest list and found out your name was Y/n L/n, and you'll be here for 2 months. He knew what room you'll be staying at, what events you're going to book; it was perfect. He'd get to know you in-

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