1: Pan's Game

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Note: I wrote this story when I was 13. Please excuse grammatical errors and misspellings. I'm going back to edit it as soon as possible! Thank you!

~Last Night

I had a strange dream again.

There was a place, so wistful and so magical that those who visited ceased to grow up. The paradise that hid so many dark secrets clouded my thoughts of reality.

It was called Neverland.

In my dream, I saw a flash of chestnut hair and a pair of vibrant green eyes. The smile that played on his lips was almost every girl's weakness, and his voice, like a steel fishing-rod, drawing me in. "Amber, come to Neverland with me," he said, smirking. "I know you want to."

My visions were disrupted by a faint tapping at the window. The sound was similar to the light pitter-patter of raindrops, but somehow, I knew this was a calling.

For what? I did not know.

Groggily, I adjusted my posture in my bed, trying to make sense of the situation. As of that time, I only knew two things:

1. There's a stranger at my window.

2. I was still in a dream-like state.

Sort of like where you're half asleep, clinging onto the last bit of your dreams and fantasies before they all disappear to a breathless whisper.

All gone without a trace.

Now that I'm recalling this faint memory, I've realized that I don't remember much except for the fact that the tapping persisted. Of course, my curious nature lifted me to my window sill, and half awake, I open it.

Little did I know, it was my first mistake.

The wind called for me as a dark shadow loomed overhead, towering over me in a threatening manner. The whispers that it hissed were nearly inaudible, but if words left scars, my body would be buried, six feet in the ground.

That was all that I could remember from that night though. If I could look back and relive those past moments, I wouldn't dream of it. Even though my comfort zone was nowhere near where I was headed, something told me that I would meet the infamous Peter Pan.

Now, never realizing that I'd fall for him? Foolish girl.

That was my second mistake.


~Present Day

Gasping, my eyes fluttered open as I found myself alone in a dense jungle. The thin and dry parcels of twigs grazed my elbows as I made an effort to stand, my headache did nothing but worsen the attempt.

I managed to stumble up after a few tries however.

Now noticing the utter filth of the forest floor, I ran my numbed hands across my nightgown, brushing off dirt and pebbles. I glanced up to see the dense forestry. Towering trees and dusty foliage was scattered around me, making it seem nearly impossible not to get lost in this maze of mother nature's doing.

Just as I was about to swivel around, I picked up the slightest crack of twigs snapping. It sounded human, like careful footsteps on a crisp autumn day.

Whatever it was, it was making an attempt to stalk me -- what a fatal mistake.

My fist swiftly hurled itself around my body, careful not to get my arm caught in my shoulder blade. Quicker than a jaguar pouncing on its prey, I pinned the stranger up against a tree.

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