♡~Chapter 2~♡

Start from the beginning


You had placed a heart on the page! He know that could just be habit for you but good lord it was adorable. He couldn't help but imagine you wrote that there for him as if you were expressing your love for him... He couldn't take it anymore! He needed a plan to win your heart,but what could he possibly do.... Standing up from the couch abruptly. With determination in his eyes and you in his heart he devised a plan. Tomorrow was Friday he was going to take you out on the town then when the time is right he'll Express his love to you! But where would he take you he didn't know what you liked doing... He has your number! He'll call and ask random things to figure out your likes and dislikes.
After finally getting up off the floor you went to kitchen to make some tea and cookies to calm yourself down a bit. Your phone vibrated on the counter signaling you were receiving a call. Wiping off your hands you pick up the phone "Hello?" You heard someone clear there throat before speaking " hello Y/n" immediately you know who was on the other side. Still feeling a bit nervous from the hug you gave him your voice was a bit shaky. You were doing your best not to stutter"o-oh Toshinori how are you" it took him a moment to respond as if contemplating what to say "I'm fine how are you" you slightly smiled "I'm alright"
"Good good actually I was calling to talk for a little while if you aren't busy that is"you looked over to your shoulder at your tea kettle and ingredients for cookies. Then an idea hit you. "You know Toshi if you aren't busy you could come over I was about to Make some tea and cookies. Only if you would like that is" Toshinori thought for a minute then smiled "alright then let me change from my school uniform and I'll be over" you grinned doing your best to hide your excitement from both you and him" alright see you soon"
" see you"  with that you hung up the phone. Squealing in excitement you jump up and down then starting to panick realizing you are still in your Uniform too you rush to your bedroom to grab clothes frantically looki g through your closet you grab some dark blue Jean's and a sweater. Quickly dressing yourself you took out your hair for a quick brush. You then grabbed those weird chopstick looking things your mom bought you to but your hair in a bun(or just put them there for short hair) as you walked out of your room you heard a knock at the door. Quickly checking over your appearance one last time you rushed to the door. Taking in a nervously excited breath you opened the door just to realize it was the mail man with a packing. Letting your face drop down into an unamused frown you sighed softly. The mail man sweatdroped a bit at your reaction. He didn't think he was that bad "package for Y/FN" he read the the box then holding out a receipt for you to sign. You quickly signed the page grabbed the box briefly thanked the mail man then shut the door. You sat on the couch with the box in your lap just by looking at it you knew  it was from your parents due to the name and address and the heart shaped seal that was on the envelope that came with the package. Before you could open it though another knock was at the door. This time you were certain it was him it had to be! Setting the box on the coffee table,You got up and waltzed over to the door swiftly unlocking it and opening you were met with the refreshing site of Toshinori In a sweater with some Jean's you've never really seen him out off his uniform and not to mention that his sweater was a bit well.. fitting you could see some of his muscles poking out the fabric of his sweater.
He took a quick look at you and his heart was melting you were the cutest thing ever! Both of you stared at each other for a minute of two before you opened the door wider and inviting Toshinori in. Once in he took of his shoes and followed after you which lead him to the kitchen. It's was clean and pretty well organized. You turn to him with a smile" I was just about to make some chocolate chip cookies but since your here would you like to help?" You turned your head slightly to the side with a cute bewildering look. Toshinori's heart couldn't resist "I don't think I'm to good at baking but I'll try for y- umm I mean for me or not just nevermind that the thing is I'll try" you grinned turning for a minute to open a drawer. You turned and threw an apron at him. "Here wear this that way you don't get your clothes dirty. Toshinori gave a thumbs up putting on the apron. But it seemed he was having trouble tying it in the back so after you put on your apron fully. You walked over to Toshinori. Walking behind him you grabbed his hands that were attempting to tie the apron and moved them aside then tying it for him. With a satisfied hum of approval you stepped back."there that's better" you smiled at Toshinori and when receiving a smile back you took that as a note to countine your previous quest. Grabbing a hold of his hand you lead him over to your counter that held the ingredients. "How about you start with the wet ingredients and I'll start with the dry?" Toshinori gave a thumbs up and a quick wink out of habit "I gotcha N/n" you smiled grateful rolling up your sleeves,Toshinori doing the same. "Let's get to it shall we" you nodded with a smile "we shall"

Short time skip..

It hasn't even been ten minutes and everything is already a disaster. First it started out fine you did the dry ingredients and he did the wet. The problem came when you had to mix them together. When you went to put the dry into his bowl it splashed getting some on Toshinori at first you were worried he would be angry but when you looked over he looked ridiculous with egg in his hair and vanilla on his nose you couldn't help but laugh. Toshinori smiled raising a brow " what's so funny?" Holding a hand over your mouth you pointed to his hair. Reaching up to touch it he felt egg shaking his head he smirked " I wouldn't be laughing if I were you" he then took some egg from his hair and smeared it one your face "because you seem to have a little something on yourself as well" with a dramatic gasp you stuck your hand in the bowl and flung some at him but he dodged and that's pretty much how you ended up in this situation. The kitchen a mess, you two a mess and a giggle fit as you both attempt to finish the cookies. Once getting them in the oven you turn towards the kitchen with your hands on your hips. "Might as well clean up while their baking and while we're still a mess." With a nod from Toshinori you both set out to clean. Throwing away the stuff on the floor then sweeping to clean up the floor on the floor,wiping down the counters then quickly moping. Which also almost ended terrible. Too. Once that was done the cookies were after cleaning up yourselves you both sat at the table eating cookies drinking tea and playing board games till it was time for Toshinori to go home. After saying goodbye you grabbed a quick shower before going to your room to lay down in bed. You picked open your phone to cheek your notifications. Upon realizing you have a text from Toshinori you open your phone

Hey N/n I have a question

What is it?

Well I was wondering if you were busy tomorrow after school

No I'm not busy

I was thinking we could go somewhere together after school

Oh sure I'd love too!

Great I'll pick you up after school

Okay see you then


eah see you then,goodnight.

Night Toshi sweet dreams.

And with that last text you shut off your phone and put it one your night stand covering yourself in your soft blanket heaven. With a smile you fall asleep excited for tomorrow.

Sorry for the super long chapters

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