Good Fucking Morning

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This was supposed to be a one shot. I swear to god it was. But then I got this other idea and...well...

It was yet another lovely Tuesday in Chicago, in our beloved Cook County General Hospital, this time in the wee hours of the morning.

The city lights were still shining against the dark, gloomy sky that awaited the first signs of dawn.

A psych patient had just gotten loose from her restraints and terrorized the cafeteria, because where's Haldol when you really need it?

And Robert Romano, fresh out of spending over 24 hours in that wretched cesspool, slaving for HOURS over patients who had the audacity to code while he was on, forcing him to endure 3 back-to-back emergency surgeries that left one guy dead and some other poor schmuck with a missing kidney.

On top of all the administrative shit that he was obligated to do.

What the hell had jumped into his head to take this wretched position in the first place?!

Exhausted, Robert managed to get his legs to carry him away from all the mind numbing paper work sitting on his desk, down the hall, and to the men's locker room.

Stripping off his navy blue scrubs, shoes, and everything else in between and leaving it in a discernible heap, he stormed off to the first shower he laid eyes on, turning the water on almost as hot as it could go, reveling in its heated spray. His broad shoulders relaxed for the first time in over a day as he focused on something other than his own miserable weariness or yet another dying patient.

His head cleared as he thought about nothing much apart from the hot water pelting his skin.

Suddenly, a new sensation welcomed itself within his reception. One so foreign to him, it took a few seconds to register.

Two arms wrapped themselves around him, startling him out of his reverie.

"Shit!!" Romano yowled, turning around quick, a little too quick, causing him to just barely miss the soap dish that was bound to the shower wall with his fat head. He backed himself against the front wall, trying to fix his eye in the offending being.

Low and behold, it...he, rather, was Peter.


"P-Peter..." Robert started, sounding a little bit flustered for his own taste.

"Dr. Romano." The other surgeon stated, equally as bare. His dark eyes raked down the body of the shorter man, traveling down from his own eyes, down to his chest, his stomach, and lower, all the way down to his feet, and back up to his lips, which were parted slightly in surprise.

Shifting a little from the other man's appraisal of his indecent appearance, Romano pulled his best poker face, doing his best not to give him the satisfaction of making him squirm that he knew he craved.

"Well, Peter, I believe an explanation is in order, unless you always prowl into random guy's showers whenever you've caught a break in your schedule. What's brought you in?"

Peter's eyes bored into Romano's as he leaned gingerly against the shower wall.

"You snapped at me in OR today. A lot. In front of a lot of other people..." Benton said lowly, looking down briefly to the floor. "And after last week's discussion, I was wondering if you'd like to talk about that. With no one else to butt in. Boss to subordinate..." Benton continued, picking his gaze back up to Romano's eyes, which were now fixed towards his feet, a noticeable blush creeping its way across his cheeks, spreading to his ears as the memories he'd been trying to block from his mind in OR came rushing like a tidal wave. He couldn't bring himself to look back up at the man. He turned his back to Benton, looking at the wall.

Maybe he could just pretend like he wasn't there, and he'd get the hint and leave, right?

And for a second Romano tricked himself into thinking it was working.

That is until a strong pair of hands connected themselves to his shoulders, massaging his tight muscles, easing the day's tension away with slow, deliberate movements. As much as he tried, he just couldn't bite back the soft moan the other's efforts drew from him. He relaxed against his hands. 'What the hell does he want?' He wondered in the delirium the other man's touch brought to him, coupled with his fatigue.

Despite Romano keeping as quiet as a mouse, Peter continued.

"You know, I've been thinking a lot about what happened last week..." he murmured, stepping closer to the surgeon, still working out the kinks in his shoulders, leaving him barely able to concentrate over his words over the pure ecstasy caused by his touch. "And I don't think I'm comfortable with the way we left things."

"Really! Well then riddle me this; what, with all due respect, the hell are you doing here then?!" Romano asked, still flushed from the other's hands on him. 'Dammit, does he have to be so damn persistent...and so damn strong?!'

Peter brought his mouth closer, much closer to Romano then, right next to his ear.

"Let's just say I'm not a fan of unfinished business..." he whispered, making him shudder with anticipation.

Romano turned around, suddenly noticing he was only two or three inches away from the guy.

"Who says it went unfinished?" He whispered back. He met Benton's eyes again. 'Man that stare. You'd think he's trying to suck my soul straight from my skull with that stare...'

Suddenly, he got even closer. He brought a hand up to Robert's chin, stroking his jawline up and down, his touch surprisingly soft for someone so intense.

"I'm not finished with you, Romano. Not by a long shot." He leaned down then, slowly, until his lips met Robert's, pulling the bald surgeon into the softest kiss he'd ever had. His tongue traced his lips, asking permission. Romano opened his mouth to the man, holding onto his neck, playing with his short black hair as the kiss deepened.

It wasn't like it'd been back in the office last week. No. It was slower, less frantic, unleashing hidden wants and needs neither of the two had ever known they'd had before as their tongues slid through each other's mouths, exploring, taking their time. Hands wandered, discovering how the other would react from being touched here or there or somewhere else.

The kiss broke as Romano tore his lips away from the taller surgeon, moaning loudly as Peter's hand once again found his arousal, stroking gently, running his thumb along its sensitive tip. His breathing picked up, an otherworldly form of pleasure filling him to the brim, pooling in his gut, making him feel hot and tingly all over. No one had ever touched him like this. His knees felt weak as Peter continued, moving his hand up and down, while moving his lips down to the hollow of his collar, tasting his warm, freckled skin.

After a few beats Romano moved his hand down, stroking the other man's engorged member, trying to mimic his rhythm. His hips rocked gently against Peter's hand until he felt like he might explode.

"Peter..." he moaned, his voice filled with desire. "Please don't stop, I'm going to come..."

He was soon muffled by Peter's lips against his own, keeping his carnal cry from being heard by unwelcome ears. They were, after all, in a rather busy hospital.

Benton pressed kisses against Romano's cheeks, neck, temples, anything to will him on as he dragged him closer and closer towards his own release.

Peter kissed him hard, cradling his head in one hand as he came into his hand, shaking with pleasure.

They both slid to the floor panting, leaning against the wall, against each other in a warm afterglow. The hot spray of shower water enveloping the two in steam.

Peter absent mindedly ran his fingers up and down Robert's thigh. "I'm very glad we had this discussion, Dr. Romano," he said, looking back at the shorter man, a certain glint in his eyes as he smiled at him lazily.

Robert gave him a smile of his own. "Me too, Dr. Benton." He sighed, then grabbing Peter's hand and lacing his own fingers with his from where it was, tracing his thigh. "Me too."

Tuesdays in Chicago are fuckin' wild, man...

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