A Peaceful Realm (Chpt 6)

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(Admiring the decor and masterful craftsmanship of the shrine, you felt a sudden sense of calm and relaxed a little. Atago looked the same way, thought she saw you noticeably in a more relaxed state.)

Atago: relaxed now are we? (She has a grin that showed how smug she felt)

(You saw it coming and already had your comeback ready) (prepare for a little break in character for Whittman.)

Whittman: Perhaps, or maybe it's being here with you. (You feel a smirk appear on your face as you wait for Atago's reaction. Except it wasn't the reaction you thought would happen.)

Atago had somehow gotten closer without alerting you, she then wrapped one of her legs around yours and locked you in bear hug.)

(If it we're not for the shade of your hat and the mask covering your face she would have seen a blushing mess. Atago has you where she wanted you, and it seemed like she wasn't going to release you on your terms either.)

Atago: Ara ara, you should know better than to play with a girls feelings. (Atago is staring you dead in the eyes knowing full well that you can't fight back at this point.)

Whittman: (flustered and nervous) Atago, uhhhhh.......could you.....back up please....?
(Atago ignored your plea, she has control now and she isn't going to give it up so easily.)

Atago: It seems the hunter has become the prey. (Her arms slowly snake around your neck pulling gently)

Whittman: Atago....what are you doing......(your face is now beet red, you hope Atago doesn't go any further than the tease. You hear a hiss from behind you ear, you know that your rig isn't active at the moment so that only means one thing......Atago found the latch on the back of your mask.)

Whittman: Atago......you don't want to do that.....we just met, we haven't gotten to know each other that well, uhhhh.......(before you could say anything else you felt your mask drop onto the ground, revealing a face that looked like it was sunburnt.)

Atago: hmmmm, so even a hunter loses his cool in these situations. You look so adorable when you're nervous, you know.

(You rotate your head away from Atago trying to hide your embarrassment, but Atago has other plans as she wouldn't allow you to get away.)

Whittman: [thoughts] [oh herr oder herr ..... was mache ich hier ..... ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll !!!]

Atago slowly turned your head to hers, but before you could say anything else her lips were pressed against yours. You were still new to this idea, but it wasn't a bad feeling but it was unexplainable. You felt calm, nervous, maybe even happy that it happened, but you couldn't explain it if your life depended on it. Was this love, or was it something else that was filling the void were vengeance and hatred once stood?

Atago finally pulled away, it left you in shock after what felt like an eternity only lasted three minutes time. Atago's warm smile was calming, you felt secure, safe, even wanted, here all of the experience was intoxicating, to you it was something you wished wouldn't have to end.)

You worked you hands near your face only to see them shaking, not out of fear nor rage, but it was excitement and happiness showing itself for the first time in your life. you didn't need to hide your emotions anymore, it felt like you were finally free.)

Atago: You seem to be in much better spirits, you seem to be more human now.

Whittman: What is this feeling? I can't comprehend any of it, the answer is plain in front of me but it eludes me. Atago, what is happening?

Atago: You are a phantom no longer, you have no more reason to let your suffering and bitterness control you anymore.

Atago notices a change of color in your eyes, they are no longer red but shining silver.)

Atago: Your eyes, they've changed, they are so beautiful.

(You feel something crawling down your face, you find out it was a tear, but not one of sadness nor pain, but true happiness. You walk towards Atago, after stopping in front of her, you begin embracing her as she does the same to you. The two of you stare deeply into each others eyes, but you are hesitant to make any other moves, but Atago knew what you were thinking. Atago lovingly and passionately laid another kiss upon your lips.)

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