He quickly turned and began to pump water into the canteens, trying not to appear as helplessly affectionate for the boy as he so clearly was

"Why are you helping me?" Came the thick yet soft cockney accent from the younger boy

"Because there's a lot of men who need water and one person isn't as efficient as two" Schofield said nonchalantly as he continued to fill the canteens, though his words weren't entirely true he still managed to lie good enough to get it passed the younger more naive boy

Blake nodded slowly and gave the man before him a once over, he was older for sure and looked to be quiet experienced in the war, more experienced than Blake could ever hope to be

Blake was a farm boy who had no idea what he was getting into coming into the war, he missed his mum and his dog Myrtle...he especially missed his big brother who was also in the war

He couldn't help but study the unique features of the man before him, he felt his stomach slightly flutter being so close to the other man, he was old fashion handsome and Blake was already falling in love

"So, what's y'name?" Blake asked smoothly, talking had never been an issue for him...he'd always been a social butterfly, as his mum had always referred to him as

"Schofield" he said in a somewhat tired tone, of course this wasn't his first name but he never gave his first name out to anyone, out of fear the war may somehow manage take that away from him too

"Aight Sco" Blake said as he took a seat on the damp ground behind Schofield, allowing him to do all the work himself, "what's your real name?" Blake asked suddenly very upbeat and bold

Schofield tried to remain poised but it was increasingly difficult, Blake was already quiet cute with so many childlike features and mannerisms, however the accent only added to the boy's adorable innocence

"Just call me Schofield okay? And if I can recall correctly this is supposed to be your job...now get up, and help me out"

Blake let out a huff, slowly getting to his feet and standing beside Schofield watching him repeatedly pump the water out, Blake wore an expression on his face of boredom and longing

Several moments passed, the only sound was the creaking of the water pump as it filled the canteens, Schofield strained his ears trying to find the comfort of the sounds of birds or other beautiful creatures

"....I miss home" Blake said softly to break Schofield's concentration

Schofield stiffened and turned to look down at the shorter Blake as he expressed his heartbreaking feelings, it was something Schofield was not used to. Most of the men never talked about their feelings, himself included, it caught him off guard to hear the younger men express himself so openly and bold

"It's a lot harder than I fought it'd be" Blake said quietly, his voice slightly shaky as he spoke

Schofield wanted to pull Blake into his arms and hold him, tell him everything would be okay and that soon enough he'd be back home to his family....but he couldn't, there were no guarantees in the war and he wasn't about to get the boy's naive hopes up just to have them crushed

"Sarge doesn't seem to fancy you much...." Schofield offered quietly

Blake let out a small chuckle at this, "he bloody hates me! And I don't fink anyone fancies me here"

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