Voy. Chakotay x Kathryn - Dancing The Night Away

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Chakotay rang the door chime at Kathryn's quarters and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"Just a second!" a voice called from behind the door.

"No rush," he replied. He adjusted his collar with one hand while looking down at the corsage he replicated. Red roses with a white silk strap. He hoped she'd like them.

When the door opened, Chakotay couldn't help but stare. Kathryn was wearing a dusty rose, floor-length dress. It had a darker sash tied around the waist. The skirt was flowy, but not overly poofy. The bodice hugged Kathryn's figure perfectly, and the loose sleeves rested just over her shoulders. Kathryn's hair was down, flowing over her shoulders in a slight curl.

"Wow," Chakotay said finally. "You look..."

"Like I should be in a twentieth century movie?"

"Incredible," he said.

Kathryn smiled. "Well, you don't look so bad, yourself."

He was wearing a black suit; he had a white shirt on underneath the jacket, and a red tie around his neck to match the corsage.

Chakotay smiled and held up the corsage. "I hope you like roses."

Kathryn's smile widened. "I love them. Thank you."

She held out her wrist and Chakotay gently put the corsage onto her wrist, his fingers lingering as they touched her skin. He cleared his throat and offered her his elbow. "Shall we?"

Kathryn took his arm and the two of them made their way through the ship to holodeck one, where the program was running. It was planned months ago, when Tom had the idea that the crew should have a fancy ball. At first, Kathryn was hesitant. Afterall, no one onboard had clothes appropriate for a ball, and they only had so many replicator rations. But, after most of the crew expressed interest, she allowed for Tom and Harry to work on the program. After that, everyone started saving their rations so they could replicate dresses and suits. Neelix was over the moon at the idea and had been planning out what food to serve since the day Tom mentioned it. Seven and The Doctor worked on duets to sing during the night. Anyone who could play an instrument offered to perform during the ball. Even Tuvok offered suggestions for the décor of the ballroom.

Chakotay and Kathryn entered the holodeck, and both were in awe with the gorgeous ballroom before them. Golden pillars lined the walls, each with a flag from the different members of The Federation. White-clothed tables sat along the back wall, dishes of food covering the tabletop. And the crew—that was what both Chakotay and Kathryn were most in awe of. The crew were all dressed in gorgeous dresses and suits. Everyone was happy; dancing, chatting, eating, laughing. Everyone looked so at peace.

"Ah! Captain!" Neelix exclaimed, rushing over. He wore a fancier version of the type of outfits he normally wore. "Commander. I'm so glad you two could make it!"

"This place is beautiful," Kathryn said, eyes squinting in a smile.

"I wish I could take the credit, Captain, but it was all Lieutenant Paris and Ensign Kim who made this program. I am but the cook."

"Well, I'm sure your food is delicious," Chakotay replied.

Neelix smiled humbly. "Don't let me keep you. Go! Mingle. Dance. Eat. Enjoy yourselves. We all know you two deserve it more than anyone."

Kathryn put her hand on his arm and smiled warmly.

"Would you care to dance?" Chakotay asked after Neelix left.

Kathryn smiled, cheeks the faintest shade of pink. Chakotay extended his hand and she took it without hesitation. He brought her into the middle of the room and placed his other hand on her waist. Kathryn placed hers on his shoulder, and the two of them began to waltz. They moved like clockwork; never missing a step or stepping on each other's toes. Their eyes met and neither seemed to be able to look away. Kathryn couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face. Chakotay smiled as well, though his was meeker, and soft.

Neither spoke. They didn't have to. They both knew what the other was thinking and feeling. They both felt each other's gratitude and love for one another. That was how it always was with them. They could read each other easily and often needn't ask what the other was feeling. It was a kind of connection neither had nor wished to have with anyone else. A connection they knew would last a lifetime.

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