chapter 1

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(1 day after prolouge)

In the morning, Brandeen had quietly peaked around the open door of Bryan's room and looked at Bryan. Bryan, while he was still asleep, had discomfort visible on his face and tear stains on his cheeks. Brandeen purred before walking over to Bryan before sitting down next to him, in hand a bowl with some strange type of meat and his face had a wicked grin.

Bryan had shifted a little bit when Brandeen sat next to him, yet didn't wake up and remained asleep. Brandeen gently placed the bowl down while he grinned, yet it wasn't a wicked grin. Bryan twitched a little at the noise the bowl made when it came in contact with the floor, but still remained asleep.

Brandeen gently gripped one of Bryan's shoulders before shaking him, trying to wake him up. Bryan let out a soft whine as he woke up, opening one eye and turning to Brandeen with both fear and exhaustion on his face.

Brandeen smiled as softly as he could and held up a fork with a piece of meat on it.

''Hungry?~'' Bryan thought for a moment before slightly nodding, feeling like Brandeen wouldn't like it if he said no.

Brandeen smiled widely as he took the gag out of Bryan's mouth, causing a sigh of relief from the dragon slayer, who was happy to have the gag off because he found it uncomfortable.

''Wonderful!~'' Bryan looked at him, a bit of fear still on his face.

Brandeen held the fork close to Bryan's mouth and smiled.

''Open wide!~'' Bryan hesitantly opened his mouth, closing his eyes at the same time.

Brandeen purred as he shoved the fork into Bryan's mouth, practically shoving it down the dragon slayer's throat. Bryan gagged and choked due to both the taste and the fact that it was practically shoved down his throat, yet he forced himself to swallow it to avoid making Brandeen angry. Brandeen purred and pulled the fork out of Bryan's mouth.

''Does it taste good?~'' Bryan hesitated before answering.

''I-I'm not too sure... I usually h-have to eat something more than once b-before can t-tell if it tastes g-good... W-what is it any way?'' Bryan, unsure of what it was, wanted to know what had such a horrible taste to it.

Brandeen, instead of answering, purred and held up more food to Bryan'a mouth.

''Tell me if you like it first~'' Bryan hesitantly opened his mouth and bit the meat.

He nearly gagged when it entered his mouth but he forced himself to chew it and swallow it.

''I-it's hard to tell... b-but I think it m-might be g-good... C-can you please tell me what it is now?'' Bryan was a bit scared of what the answer could be, but he was extremely curious.

Brandeen purred before answering Bryan's question.

''Flesh~'' Bryan froze before he began to shake and his skin went pale.

''W-what?'' Bryan was hoping he heard wrong.

Brandeen purred once again before speaking.

''You heard me~'' Bryan felt like throwing up as his breathing quickened and his body began to shake more.

Brandeen noticed this and frowned.

''Something wrong?~''

Bryan was attempting to take deep breaths to calm himself down while tears began to fall from his eyes.

''I-I-I d-don't w-w-want any m-more!!!'' Bryan was continuing to try and take deep breaths trying to calm himself down, yet it wasn't working.

Brandeen let out a growl before he sighed and stood up.

''Guess you'll starve. How sad.'' When he said this, Bryan let out a whimper as more tears fell from his eyes.

Brandeen purred as a thought crossed his mind.

''I'll try this again for lunch~'' Bryan closed his eyes as more tears fell and he started to tremble more.

Rian walked in and grinned at the two, only to frown when Brandeen shook his head. Bryan let out another whimper before he curled up, having not noticed Rian walk in. Rian seemed to think for a moment.

''Hmm. I suppose I could play with him a bit~'' Brandeen seemed to like this idea as he nodded, while Bryan whimpered and shook more as he didn't know Rian was in the room.

''Any ideas?~'' Rian went silent for a moment before he smiled.

''Oh, look at what I brought~'' Rian held up a cup with a red substance in it, causing Brandeen to grin as he knew what the substance was, while Bryan was unable to smell what it was.

Rian walked up to Bryan before crouching beside him and holding the cup up to his mouth.

''Drink.'' Bryan opened one of his eyes and looked at the cup before closing it and shaking his head while whimpering.

This caused Rian to growl and grab Bryan's face, forcing his mouth open and tilting the substance into his mouth.

''That. Wasn't. A. Question.'' Bryan began to try and squirm away from Rian and he also tried not to choke or gag while tears streamed down his face and he knew by the coppery taste that the substance was blood.

After Rian had poured all the contents of the cup into Bryan's mouth, he let go and walked to Brandeen. Bryan curled up on the ground and began to sob badly, his body shaking while he struggled to breathe through his sobs. After a few seconds, Rian and Brandeen walked away, leaving Bryan to cry on the floor.

Bryan continued to sob for who know how long, before he ended up crying himself to sleep.

Next chapter will contain both angst, and fluff.

Remember to always try and have a good day/night. Bye wolf pups!!

two bad brosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora