Flower tattoos

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A/n: another soulmate AU bc I thought it was cool.

AU: soulmates fav things show up as tattoos on your body

It was clear that whoever his soulmate was was very very passionate. Considering he had a whole sleeve of tattoos on one arm all being things his soulmate likes. When you get old enough to start having full blown interest, they show up as tattoos on your soulmates skin. It could be one or two or a whole limb could be covered.

The right arm of the worlds greatest detective was covered in beautiful designs of the things his soulmate likes. It started at about 5 years old. It was a music note on his wrist, then a storybook above it, then a paw print showed up. They just kept appearing over the years. A pair of anime eyes, some characters from their favourite shows, a paintbrush, some lyrics to their favourite song.

So he knew this much. His soulmate liked music, anime, animals or maybe a more specific kind he can't gather from the tattoo, either reading or writing and art. As well as the shows the characters on his shoulder were from. The most recent ones showed up about half a year ago. It was a bunch of roses. His arm now full the tattoos had overflowed onto his chest. The roses showed up right on his collarbone extending down to his chest. They poked out the top of his shirt.

He wondered what his soulmate had, definitely candy, maybe music? Something to do with detective work? He liked frogs, maybe they had a frog?

He observed the tattoos of others, Misa had a coat hanger he assumed was fashion. Her soulmate had that in common with her. She had a hockey stick too, and as far as he was concerned... Light didn't do hockey. Light had a guitar, and Misa didn't play guitar. So it was clear Misa was conveniently ignoring that detail...

Tattoos seemed to be something he noticed a lot, so walking out and about with the taskforce on one of Misa's mandatory shopping trips he spotted many strange tattoos on passerby's. It was hot, but being the strange human he was he wore his long clothes anyway. But rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, his tattoos showing.

"I swear it was here!"

"Give me that!"

He sighed, watching Light and Misa argue over a map. Misa insisted there was some new shop open in the city but had gone and gotten lost trying to find it. Why did he agree to come again? Oh right he wanted to get ice cream...

"It says 165 suki street!" Misa whined.

"Where even are we?" Matsuda added.

Light looked for a street sign.

"Hikari road. God where is that?" He sighed, looking back down at the map.

This was boring. Rolling his eyes, L spotted a shop he hadn't seen before across the street. A florist. Since when was that there?

Pixies and roses.

Creative name, just from the look of the place it seemed like some enchanted garden. Looking back at the taskforce crowded around the map he decided 'fuck it' and headed for the florist. He knew the way back anyway. He couldn't stand another moment with those idiots. He walked through the doors hearing a bell go off when he did. It was empty apart form someone at the register. Looks like quite a few flowers had been bought. Valentines was recently so it's no surprise.

"Hey, can I help you today?"

He looked over at the girl at the register.

"I just had no idea there was a florist here and wanted to check it out" he replied.

"yeah I only just opened the place a few months ago. I've always like floristry but was never able to study up until about half a year ago"

He looked around the place, vines on the walls, flowers stacked on the walls and tables with misters keeping them watered every so often. Roses, daisies, marigold, sunflowers, lavender, every flower you could think of. The shop smelled impeccable because of it, such a sweet aroma filled the air.

L Lawliet x Reader Oneshots 3  // Series 2 • Death Note [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ