That might be the reason why he made such an intricate plan with Taiju snd Yuzuriha. He just didn't like how Tsukasa thought about science. A simple reason, but it was enough to have Senku slightly annoyed.

It might be that he and Taiju were wrong about bringing back Tsukasa alive, but regrets are something he didn't care about much. The only thing he could do was think of a way to fight back. It will only be a matter of time before their plan might be discovered.

That was why as soon as he saw a village, Senku made a devious plan inside his head. Though not much detailed, the very thought of it was to conquer the village using science.

He did wonder how humans exist if every other human in the planet years ago became stone like he did. But he would ponder about that another time, acquiring lackeys was more of the main task he had currently.

He did thought of searching for Hikari, but no matter how much him, Taiju and Yuzuriha searched, they couldn't find a trace of the man.

Focusing on his current easier goal, it didn't take long for the stone world people to take the bait of what he was showing them.

First was Kohaku, with the pledge of ensuring to make a cure for her sister, Senku quickly had her on his side. Though not as strong as Hikari, Senku could make do with the gorilla-like brute strength of Kohaku.

Next was the siblings, Kinro and Ginro. Senku could already see that they were a bit off to the dumb side. Easy to fool but not hard to manipulate. It was simple trickery that spooked them. To think that they didn't even have a clue on what bubbles are baffles him.

Then there was one with a little bit of potential. It might be little but still, there was potential and room for improvement for the self-proclaimed wizard Chrome. Chrome knew science but at the same time he didn't. He knew how to tinker with the huge stock of different rocks in his base, but also didn't know other resources he could get from it.

Then there was a small girl with a watermelon as a helmet. Though he didn't plan on having her join his science army of some sort, Suika was evident on her curiosity to what they were doing and stuck herself near them.

Last was a wrinkly old man, Kaseki who proved to be useful with Senku's endeavors. The old man was usually small, but when passion hits him, his muscles show up. Senku was glad to have someone help him in making hard to make devices.

Currently, he plans on gaining some alcohol from the village. The only thing his small group could do was take part in the upcoming tournament and win.

With Kokaku, he had no qualms that she could win with her brute strength, but seeing as the two siblings were afraid of the person called Magma, then he had doubts. All they could do was rely on luck in the lottery to have Kokaku fight against Magma.

"Hikari would definitely be reassuring to have here right now..." Senku said with a sigh. Even though he had said it rather quietly, with Suika real close to him, the girl heard what he said.

"Who's Hikari, Senku?" Her question piqued the interest of the others who were thinking up of a plan for their predicament.

Their small brainstorming session was cut short at what they heard. It was rare for Senku to mention things related to him personally as all that came out of his mouth were science this, science that.

Senku didn't look to be perturbed by all the curious stares he was getting.

"Nah, just my older brother." Senku mentioned casually while he was mixing some substance in one of his beakers.

"Senku has an older brother?!" Kohaku and Suika exclaimed in unison. Their eyes fully showing interest at the topic. The others were only mildly interested.

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