levi one shot

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your pov
me, levi, mikasa and eren became best friends after the war of fighting with the colossal titan ends :33
although captain levi is still a stubborn person, but he still play with us and hanji!
today we went to the mess hall and saw armin and others playing truth or dare so we decided to join them. "hey! armin! can you let us join?" "ofc no problem! oh captain levi join us also? interesting!!"
"tch, i join because they said it's interesting, don't get it wrong."levi said. "okay okay shorty, i know because (y/n) join so you join it's okay." hanji shout. levi blushed and turned around "pfff" we all heard that. "okay let's start now!" sha sha said. she spins the bottle and it pointed at mikasa. "TRUTH OR DARE!" sha sha yelled, seems like she's very excited about this game. "dare!" mikasa said. "HEHEHE, KISS YOUR CRUSH RN!"hanji said it as loud as she could and stare at mikasa. she blushed and kissed eren, "AWWWWWWWWW" we all yelled. eren scratched his head and said "uh umm well i like you too." "WOOOHOOOO" hanji and sha sha yelled. then mikasa spins the bottle and it pointed at levi. "tch" levi said "dare." hanji's eyes sparkled and said "stare at (y/n) in her eyes for 1 min." "what! i-" "ohh our levi captain is too weak." hanji cut his words. "who said i can't do that." levi shouted. "okay, so 3 2 1 start!" levi stared at you, you saw his face kept tuning red and start sweating. you're confused so you put your forehead on his to test is he okay. "hey h-hey what are you doing." levi gasped. "i saw your face was really red so i thought you got a fever." you replied. "no no i'm fine get away from me." "(y/n), he likes you."hanji whispers in your ears. "but he's a little shy boy, although he's a stubborn person, he said he will became really shy and strange around. you like levi too and you start walking closer to him. "hey what's wrong with you get away." levi start walking backwards. you kept staring at him until his back stick to the wall. you leaned forward and your face and levi's face are just few inches close. he looked away and said "i'm your captain. now i told you to walk away! this is an order!" you put your hands around his neck and start looking at him. "hey (y/n) what's wrong with you." his face is really red. you kiss his lips and told him that you like him too. he looked at you and kissed you back. before you both doing that, hanji already told the others to get out to leave you two a space. "i want to watch them." sha sha yelled. "shhh!!!!!!! let's go!" hanji yelled as quiet as possible. then ummm please think yourself 😳✌🏻✨:p
i know the ending is weird af cuz I DONT KNOW HOW TO END THIS AWKWARD SITUATION ARGH! sorry:(( but hope you all like this one shot😳❤️
give you all a cute levi pic i found it on the internet 🥺❤️✨ so cute jesus i'm gonna die😳✨
he made my heart ❤️❤️💝💞💓💓💗💖 exploded 🙆🏻‍♀️💥💥🔥⚡️✨🌟💣💣🧨🧨💣🧨

 then ummm please think yourself 😳✌🏻✨:p i know the ending is weird af cuz I DONT KNOW HOW TO END THIS AWKWARD SITUATION ARGH! sorry:(( but hope you all like this one shot😳❤️give you all a cute levi pic i found it on the internet 🥺❤️✨ so cute j...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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