ERROR Help me

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Error's POV:I was walking around my anti-void when I saw Ink lying on the"floor" crying and saying the same word over and over "White,White,White"I didn't know what he meant untill I got closer and saw the look of pure Terror on his face he looked up at me and said "h-help me E-error"then he fell asleep so I picked him up and went to his house that he shared with Blue and Dream but when I opened the door I saw something I thought that I would never see
Blueberry's POV:I was talking to dust when someone opened the door I thought it was dream so I said to just go to Ink's room to get the information about who likes Killer so "Dream"did but when he came down I saw it was Error "WHAT THE FUCK AER U DOING HERE ERROR"Dust yelled I told him to calm down and it didn't work so I did something I always wanted to do I KISSED HIS "LIPS"(bye my fellow weebs)

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