I can't do anything about my feelings anyway, because Chandler and I have become really close friends, and he's been seeing a woman named Janice whom Joey seems to hate. I don't mind her, but she makes me feel so jealous, and I regret never telling Chandler how I felt earlier. But now Chandler and I are even better friends than he is with Joey or Ross, and I don't want to throw that away. We stay up every night talking about what it would be like to quit our shitty jobs and pursue our dreams. I've wanted to be an actor since I was young, but my parents didn't let me because it's an uncertain career path with no job security. Now that I don't have a real career anymore, maybe I can start over.

I come home from my shift, exhausted after debating for twenty-five minutes whether or not a man had gone over the cutoff time for a video he rented. I ended up giving in and letting him pay less, even though it was three minutes after the cutoff. I'm a bit of a pushover when it comes to customer service... after all, I was never suited to this kind of career.

Joey's on one of the barca loungers with a beer, and I decide to join him. I need to relax a little this evening; all my pent-up feelings for Chandler are starting to stress me out. I grab a beer, settling on the other barca lounger, and turn to Joey.

"Where are Chandler and Janice?" I say quietly. I notice Joey scowl at the mention of her name; we share a mutual hatred of her, but for entirely different reasons. He finds her so annoying he wants to rip his arm off just so he has something to throw at her. I don't hate her as a person... I just wish she'd never met Chandler.

"They're on a date. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine... why wouldn't I be?"

"You're drinking beer. You hate beer. You're clearly not fine." He pauses to take a sip of his own beer, eyeing me curiously. "You like Chandler, don't you?"


"Listen... I'm Joey. I'm a Tribbiani. We know these things. We may not be great thinkers or world leaders, we don't read a lot or run very fast, but when it comes to depressed, vulnerable women, I know what I'm talking about. Could you want him more?" He chuckles, taking a few more sips of beer as he watches me at a complete loss for words. How did he work that out? "Come on, just pick up the phone, ring his cell and tell him how you feel. What's the harm in that?"

"Well, for starters he could hear me saying those words," I roll my eyes. "And secondly he's with Janice. I can't ruin their relationship, they're in love."

"Who would fall in love with that wart?"

"Chandler would."

A few beers later, Joey finally convinces me to pick up the phone. I clear my throat nervously, and it goes to answerphone. "Hey Chandler, it's me. I just wanted to say something I've wanted to say for a long time... and I know it probably won't change anything because you're with Janice now... but I have feelings for you. I'm sorry." I hang up, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.


I've just finished a late shift at work and am about to close the shop when Chandler comes in. He stayed over at Janice's last night so we haven't seen each other since I made that phone call, and I've been really nervous about it all day. He walks in, taking a moment to look at me, before finally speaking.

"You had no right to tell me you ever had feelings for me!"


"I was doing great with Janice before I found out about you!"

"Hey, I was doing great before I had feelings for you, you think it's easy for me to see you with Janice?"

"Well you should have said something before I met her!"

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