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Dusty did not like the idea of being left here in this park. She may be experienced with other forms of survival but never with other wolves. Which I understand. I'm kind of in the same box here a little. Yes, there was a strange vibe to the forest. Dusty was not wrong about it. Just like her, I was a little uncomfortable not being around Sans. So we did have some things in common. Some things.

We went to explore. Entering the big forest. The trees were pretty tall. And the grass was a cool dark green. Walking through, you could barely see the sky anymore. The sun's rays still fell through. It looked pretty from an angle. Kind of perfect in a way. There stones all around. A running creek passing along leading to lake. Some flowers and rodents scampering around. I'm sure I heard a snake but there were these huge boulders and talk about Lion King!

"Are you sure we should be walking here? It looks like a meeting place.." Dusty lowers her ears. I could tell her worrying and fear was getting to her. "It's fine. We shouldn't get attacked anyways." I reassured her a bit. She didn't quite believe me. I wouldn't believe me either but I had to. And I will.

We come to a halt right after we heard a howl.

Looking over to the boulders, a brown wolf now stood tall. "Who's that?.." Dusty whispers. "Not sure," I reply. This wolf wore a purple bandana around. Like a cape. And was pinned with a very shiny blue ball pin. It glimmers in the sun. The brown wolf jumps down the rocks and makes his way towards us.

He didn't sniff us nor did he seem to bat eyes. He stood tall and proud. A little too proud. But confidence was nice too. For some..

"Who are you two?"

I stood up in front of Dusty, "Well, who are you?"

"Ume." From the looks of it. His features were just like a Shiba inu but he was definitely wolf. "Again. Who are you two?"

"This is Dusty. I'm Kirby," I tell him, "We're new here." Ume turns to see Dusty then glances back to me. "You two don't medically have problems, do you?" He asked.

"No." Dusty told him, "That's a little harsh way of saying-"
"Quite black face!"

Dusty's eyes open a bit wider. Shocked and slight offended. But before she made a stand I jump in. Setting my paw down so she wouldn't move any closer. "Black face has a name. And she isn't a wolf. She's a panther. She's just in wolf form for this occasion," I look to Ume who wasn't very fascinated, "I don't want trouble. She obviously doesn't. What makes you better?"

"Better? You two are dogs. Your human friends probably left you here for good."

I narrow my eyes, "My owner isn't like that. Sad to hear that yours did."

Before Ume even attacked me Dusty stepped in. Her head blocking my neck as she looks to the other wolf. She moves me away, the side of her body pushing me a bit. Just a bit. Ume snarled at her, "Wolves like you should be left alone. I'm sure Ko wouldn't like the sight of a black wolf trespassing.." He steps away glaring to me.

Ume leaves us running off to the other side.

Dusty exhales and steps away from me. Sitting down and looking at her reflection in the water. I go over to her, "Are you OK?" I don't think I've ever seen her actually be verbally hurt before. Usually she never shows it, and I get that. I've seen it in others. Sans still and sometimes has trouble showing it.
"No. We won't last a night here.." Dusty glances over to me as I sat next to her, "Why are black wolves here are dangerous?.." I couldn't answer that. I had no clue. Her eyes fell back to her reflection. "Maybe it's an old folktale? That's probably it."
"Well.. usually wolves are labeled to be peace and tribalism. So.. tranquility," I tell her. Lifting her spirits up a bit, "At least to Native Americans. Aren't we special?"

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