Chapter 3: The Search

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Jargala's eyes widened, and she sat back in her chair, examining the group. "You're playing with dangerous forces." She said, her eyes flicking between the trio.

"We know. They kidnapped the President. Do you know where they would be holding her?" Mako asked, glaring at her with dark daggers in his eyes.

Jargala studied them for a bit longer before finally speaking. "You need something from me, I need something from you. I'll tell you what you want to know, if you do me a favor." She said, smiling wickedly.

Korra scoffed loudly but Mako gave her a glance, as if to tell her to be quiet. "What favor?" He asked, turning his attention back to the gang leader.

"My fiance, Wi, is in jail right now. Free him, and bring him back to me." She said, simply, sitting back in her chair to await their response.

Korra slammed her hand on the desk. "We are not freeing anyone for you." She growled.

Jargala shrugged. "Then you'll never know where the White Sun are hiding the President." She smiled, mischievously, knowing she had all the power.

"How do we know you have any accurate intel to give?" Asami asked, leaning against the wall next to the door, and watching the whole scene unfold.

Jargala chuckled internally at her distrust. "You don't, but if you had other options you wouldn't be down here, would you?"

Asami continued examining Jargala, as one question kept popping back in her head. "How would you even know where the President is being held?"

Jargala looked at the raven-haired girl and smirked. "I like you. You're asking the right questions, now. You see, when the White Sun revealed themselves, they quickly proved they were the strongest man on the block, if you will. I wanted to know why, so I sent a spy into their group. He was eventually killed but before that, he told me about their holding facility."

The firebender grunted and glared deeper at the woman. "If he was killed, they know this location was compromised."

The gang lord shrugged. "My sources claim they never vacated the area. Maybe they don't know he knew about it. Now, are you going to help me or not?" She finished. For what felt like hours, it was silent as they all just examined each other, judging each other and thinking.

Mako finally broke the silence, nodding as he stood. "We'll see what we can do." He said, and turned to leave. Korra scoffed and followed him in disbelief. 

"See you soon, Avatar." Jargala said, watching them file out of her office.


"No! We can't do this, Mako! It's out of the question!" Korra screamed in the President's empty office.

"Korra, open your eyes. The President is gone and this woman has the answer we need. We have to do it." Mako responded, sternly standing his ground against the Avatar.

The Avatar scoffed. "We are not making a deal with that leech! Back me up here, Asami!" She said, turning to her girlfriend, who was silently leaning against the wall.

The raven-haired girl sighed and walked over to Korra. "Actually, Mako is right. Look we can catch Jargala and her husband another time but right now, we need to find President Zhu-Li." She said, smoothly and calmly.

Korra glared back at Asami, her eyes filled with anger. "No there has to be another way!"

"Another way for what?" Lin Beifong asked, as she walked into the office. Mako had given her a call on their way back and told her to meet them there, so they were all expecting her.

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