hera we go

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From the day i was 2 years old to now at 14 i'm still being put down, but that wont stop me anymore. Hi I'm haylee and last year i found out i had depression i fond it normal but after 3 months i wasn't better but wors we soon fond out i had it at depression for 3 years and it scared my mom. In 2017 my grandma past away and it hurt that was the trigger to it my grandmas death and the impact it had on me made it show more my mom thout that when i was younger i just wanted to be with my dad. we moved the following year to Tumwater their are others that i can talk to and 2 weeks into a now school I stared to get bulled at first it was name calling then hitting me and i know it was bullying . i was and still am a victum of bulling. Last year i was done with it i tread to strangel myself with a ribben but then i began thankng what about my family and friends what I had. I told my best frieand and she talked to me about it. i owe her and everyone who was ther for for me that day. please as i ask you to stand up and talk to others it could change them and yourself to make a better plase with hope for the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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