Chapter 1

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Deep inside a cave stood a blue haired girl. Her name was Miku and she was the guardian of an ancient dragon. To keep this dragon from becoming hostile, a diva must be chosen and she must sing for eternity to keep the dragon asleep. The only way escape from being a diva is to either be killed or have another take their place. The previous diva had been killed so it wouldn't be long before the dragon awakens

"Show me the next diva" said Miku

Her staff glows and it shows a picture of a yellow haired girl named Rin

"Our new diva has been chosen" said Miku

The entire land was notified of the new diva and the empire's guards sent out to find her. Inside a shack deep in the woods lived a mother along with her two twins Rin and Len

"My sweet Rin and Len" said the mother

The twins giggle at their mother and she couldn't help but smile. She then heard a knock at her door. The empire's guards had finally found Rin

"May I help you" the mother asked

"By order of the empire ma'am, your daughter has been chosen to become the next diva. She will be coming with us now, I promise she is in good hands" a guard said

"No, there's no way I'm giving her up" the mother said

"This is not up to debate ma'am" the guard said

"You will not have my daughter" the mother shouted

A guard comes behind her and grabs her

"No, you can't do this, please" the mother shouted

The twins began to cry as they had no idea what was going on. The mother couldn't help but watch as her daughter was taken away from her. She held her son close to her as they both were bursting with tears

Rin was taken to the empire where she was raised by the empire's ruler Luka. They would teach her the way of music so that she could keep the dragon in its slumber. The two twins grew up with hardly any knowledge of their separation but it wouldn't be long until they become reunited with each other

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