"I was just about to check on Tanjiro"

He hums in response, you slowly walked over the the burgundy boys side, getting your blanket, covering his shivering body. You smiled, seeing his struggling form soften. Zenitsu looked at you, you were so kind and sweet that he couldn't help but admire you, in a friendly matter to be exact.

You went back to your futon, wrapping your arms among yourself, making yourself feel warmth, closing your eyes in sweet slumber. Zenitsu looked at your side, he wished he could one day have someone as careful as you.

"Sleep well (Y/N)..." Zenitsu murmured, closing his eyes, going back to sleep. Everyone peacefully sleeps, waiting for the sun to shine again.


The night have passed, you flutter your eyes open, seeing the scenery above. The windows of the large house forms silhouettes across the room. You look over to your sides, only to find the trio missing. Good thing Tanjiro's futon, that Nezuko slept on was in the shadows, where there were no windows to be found. You smiled at the peacefully sleeping demon.

You stood up, stretching your arms up high, yawning loudly. You looked around the house, trying to find the trio that was missing. You searched every room, not until pretty boy started screaming deafeningly.


You sweat dropped seeing the two chasing eachother outside the house. Tanjiro was also there, training hardly. The burgundy boy was very persistent, he wanted to lead his dear sister back into being an earthling. You smiled seeing the boy's dedication, it was incredibly breathtaking.

You went outside, waiving and shouting.

"Goodmorning Tanjiro! Zenitsu! Inosuke!"

They all stopped what they were doing. Zenitsu and Tanjiro greeted you nicely while Inosuke didn't.

"Tsk, the idiot woke up"

"Ah, stop being so rude Inosuke"

Tanjiro scolded. Being the boar headed man Inosuke is, he didn't listen. Tanjiro sweat dropped, and threatened pretty boy. It was funny in how the reluctant man would always fall for the wine(red) haired boy.


Tanjiro's Kasugai crow interrupts every movement and argument going on. Seems to be another mission you thought, remembering what happened yesterday. Who was that guy? The one who aggressively saved our butts in a flash.

You never knew. Hashiras?? The pillars? The random flash of lightning was remarkably amazing to your own eyes, you wanted to thank the unidentified person who saved you. But sadly, he or she was unknown to you.

"(Y/N)?" Tanjiro snaps you back into reality. "You seem to be deep in thought, is something or someone bothering you?" He continued. You smiled, cheeks reddened in embarrassment. "No, not really... It's nothing that important..Where are we going though?" You chuckle awkwardly, you were clearly caught off guard. Tanjiro innocently smiled and told you instantly.


He gleefully said. The burgundy boy suddenly reddened as if he remembered something.

"(Y/N)" he called out.

"Hm?" You signalled him to continue his words. "Why did you give me your blanket last night?" He looked away, covering his rose colored cheeks. Kamado, Tanjiro was now showing you a different side of him, a flustered wine headed boy was now standing Infront of you. You chuckled at his expression.

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