KNY scenarios (1)

Start from the beginning

"Well, Let's go then!" You had a challenged look plastered on your face. You held his wrist, and ran to the waiting line of the haunted mansion. You saw Zenitsu's scared ass overflowing with fear. When it was finally your turn. Zenitsu held your hand, puffing out his chest, pretending he wasn't scared at all. You thought it was cute and just chuckled.

You were now inside and a scary Muzan Kibutsuji rag doll suddenly appears on Zenitsu's side. He jumped at you, his eyes filled with fear. He then wrapped his arms around you burying his face on your shoulders.

"(Y/N)... I'll protect you...."

"Oi, if you can't do I-"

You got cut off by the man himself. He stormed you two out of the scary mansion, in a split second. You chuckled, seeing how relieved he was after running. Zenitsu winked at you and you slightly blushed chuckling awkwardly.

"You look better with those rosy cheeks" he smiled. The latter was cussing under his breath, regretting his embarrassing action.

"It's okay, Agatsuma" you say while he gently interwine your hands together with his. The man slightly blushed, his feelings for you were different. He didn't like you because his job as a demon slaying soldier will surely end his life, but he had grown close to you and wants you to be with him until his time was up.

"(Y/N), I have been wanting to tell you this for a long time" Zenitsu inhaled and kept all the courage he has, just to do this to you. "(Y/N) (L/N), I have fallen for you" he looked away. You were aback from the boy's sentence. It was short, but intriguing. Your face became hotter than usual and you smiled.

"I never expected to hear that from you, I never expected you'll feel the same, I always thought Nezuk-"

He cut you off, pressing his gentle lips on yours. He was kissing you. You accepted his lips, kissing him back. You parted and he finally said.

"I've moved on from Nezuko...And I was you who I craved for (Y/N).." He leaned his forehead on yours, both your noses were touching.

"I love you too Zen..."


Tanjiro always held his sister close, you were jealous. You seek his attention because you have feelings for the burgundy haired boy. Kamado you damn idiot you thought while you looked at the siblings beside you.

I won't be as good as Nezuko...

"(Y/N), stay here, I'll ride with Nezuko over there!" He points at one ride, I nodded hesitantly. You sigh

"I'm no match for Nezuko"

You sat on the bench alone, holding Tanjiro and Nezuko's unnecessary stuff. Your cheek rested on your palm as you sit and wait for them. The duo was taking longer than usual then you saw a familiar man. "Sabito?" You whispered, you approached the man, leaving the valuables of the duo at the bench and touched his shoulder to shift his attention to you.

"(Y/N)?" He was surprised seeing you, after all those years of soldier duties, he was finally here. You smiled at him, hugging his figure. He hugged back and pats on your back."Ah, how I've missed this" He chuckles, breaking the hug. You took him to the bench and started talking to him about what you've been doing.

"I also have a crush on Tanjiro..." You murmured, but Sabito heard you well. He laughed at your sentence and replied.

"Well he's right there"


You looked at your back to see a flustered Tanjiro. It was so adorable that you could just keep him inside your pocket forever.

"T-TANJIRO! Oh- i, I gotta go to the bathroom hee-hee" You stood up, covering your face from embarrassment. You bowed down to them all and decided to walk away.

But a familiar hand made its way into yours. "(Y-Y/N), you see...I actually feel the same..." Tanjiro's hands made its way into your waist. He pulled you closer, hugging your small figure.

Nezuko was there, looking at the sweet scenery Infront of her. She blushed and thought he finally had the courage to say it. You returned the hug, burying your face in the crook of his neck.

"Fuck... You're so cute..." The innocent boy cussed, he gently placed his lips unto yours. You were shocked by his move and decided to give in, chershing the moment.

Tanjiro, I love you......


"Giyu! You ass! You invited me now you're leaving me!" You screamed, standing at a popcorn stall. Giyu was gone and he was nowhere to be found. "Fuck" you cussed. You were pretty annoyed, and you promised yourself to kick his ass when you see him.

You were alone, sitting on a random table, looking at lovers, locking hands while you wait for your best friend. You were raging and have been waning to die at the moment. "Where the hell is Giyu!?" You complain. You were embarrassed at being alone, while everyone either had their friends or lovers with them.

You slowly ate your popcorn, your eyes wandering around to find the stubborn raven head. You sigh, unable to find him. You decided to leave your post and wander around the place for a bit. You were exhausted as fuck but a pair of familiar earrings caught your eye.

"Ah! (Y/N)!" Tanjiro shouts, calling your attention in a distance. He was with his beloved sister Nezuko. You waved a hand to him, mouthing the word 'Hello'.

"Have you seen Giyu?" You ask, the burgundy haired boy looked puzzled. "Tomioka-san was here?" He questioned, he never saw him in the place.

Shit...Was I just imagining things?

You thought, but you were sure he was there. You were sure he invited you, picked you up, and left you at the popcorn stall. You looked at the floor, thinking about the unwanted shit that was happening when a familiar pair of sneakers hit your eyes.

"(Y/N), why didn't you stay at the popcorn stall?" The voice asks, elegantly but had a hint of annoyance in it. You looked up to see the raven head you've been finding the whole time.

"Ah, Giyu?!" You playfully punched his shoulder, earning a concerning stare from the man. You noticed he was hiding something in his back. Tanjiro seemed to notice and the angelic boy smiled.

"Oi, What's tha-?"

He caught you off guard, pulling out the flowers he bought for you out of his back. He kneeled down and offered them to you.

"I have fallen deeply in love with you (Y/N)" He finally smiled. The attractive Hashira you mostly had a crush on was finally confessing to you. You can't believe it, yet here you are, accepting the flowers he had gotten for you. Tanjiro looked at both of you in awe while Nezuko's eyes sparkled in delight.

"I will gladly accept the lonely water pillar, I Love you Giyu" You replied. Making him stand, and kissing him passionately.

It was the best day of your life.

A/N: I'm deeply sorry for the grammatical errors I've made. And I'm sorry for the slow update, it's almost summer and I'm doing my best I can with school. My Wattpad has been lagging lately and I'm buying a new phone next month. So I made this chapter to apologize to you all. I'm deeply sorry readers.

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