What they look like

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Alder bark- bark of alder tree

Blackberry leaves- leaves from the prickly blackberry bush

Borage leaves- has small, blue or pink star-shaped flowers and hairy leaves

Burdock root- tall-stemmed thistle with sharp smell and dark leaves

Brunet- has oval shaped leaves and serrated edges. Has clusters of white flowers on top

Catmint- a leafy and delicious smelling plant. May have purple flowers on top

Celandine- big-ish yellow flower with four petals

Chamomile- small white flower with yellow center

Chervil- sweet smelling plant with large, leafy, fern-like leaves with small white flowers. Roots are knobby and brown

Chickweed- tall plant with tall, almond shaped leaves

Cob nut- smooth brown nut with hard outside shell. A type of hazel nut

Cobwebs- spider webs. Very common

Coltsfoot-  a flowering plant with yellow or white flowers resembling dandilions. Grows best in newleaf (spring)

Comfery root- It had large leaves and bell shaped flowers whitch are pink, white or purple, and are fat black roots

Daisy leaf- thick, dark oval shaped leaves and a white flower with yellow in the center

Dock- commom large shaped leafed plant with sharp tangy smell and taste 

Fennel- thin spiky leaves

Feverfew- small bush with flowers resembling daisies (look above). Has a sharp smell and soft leaves

Goldenrod-  a tall plant with bright yellow flowers

Heather nectar- necar found in pink bell-shaped flowers

Honey- sweet liquid made by bees

Horsetail- a tall bristly stemmed plant, refferd to with fleshy stalks

Ivy leaf- leaves from the ivy vine

Juniper berries-  purple-blue berries from the darkgreen, spiky junpier bush

Marigold- a low growing flower. It is usually a cross between yellow and orange. The bush is tighty packed together.

Parsley- long stemmed plant with ragged, crinkly-edged leaves. Tastes the same all the time, cold or fresh.

Poppy seeds- small black seeds that are shaken from the head of the poppy plant

Sorrel-  similar to dock (look above) and has thick leaves

Tansey-  has round, yellow leaves and has a very sweet and strong scent.

Thyme (time)- small, thick leaves with sticky leaves

Wild garlic- can be disguised by its strong scent

Yarrow- a white or yellow flowering plant


Death berry- red berries from the poisonous yew bush. Usually has a hollow center

Foxglove seeds- tiny seeds from the bell shaped pink foxglove plant

Deadly nightshade- a small shrub, fainty scented, bell shaped flowers that are purple tindged with green in color. Berries are shiny black when ripe

Water hemlock- green or white flowers with petals in umbrella shaped clusters


for those who are stupid enough to give these to cats, DONT!!! okay?? unless a vet says they are okay (like catmint). And also dont go sticking your head into a bees nest to find honey. (PS the poisons are poisonus to humans too) ~wolfang11

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