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i can't even fucking cry anymore,

i am trying to,

but i fucking can't.

fucking people hurting you on purpose,

whether it's the people you love,

or the people you wanted to love you,

father's betrayal,

best friends leaving you without a reason.

are they even doing it on purpose?

am i the real reason?

am i being too naive in trusting them?

how about being numb?

too many feelings going around in my head,

too many feelings in general.

how about being numb?

being numb about all these fucking people in general?

this feeling of constant betrayal,

this feeling of inner pain and suffering.

tears would be wasted for this.

when will i fucking learn?

i'll let myself get hurt until i can't anymore,

until i can't no fucking more.

there will be no tears no more,

no fucking tears anymore.

i'll just stop,

and i'll finally and eventually become numb. 

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