Chapter XX Story II [Demon Romeo & Cambion Juliet]

Start from the beginning

  Many questions and answers were said through the interview for some time. From Kiriwo's past and ambitions, to his encounter with his Senpai and the plot set for him. "So it's clear; that Senpai of yours was the one who influenced you." Said Ryūko, "Any photo of this person?" "Yep. I can show you on my hellphone." Said Kiriwo with his hellphone out. He showed an image of the Thirteen Crown's Thunder Lord: Baal! Ryūko was suprised and said: "Unbelieveable! Please show that to the audience. Your upperclassman, the one who gave you the idea of destroying the demon school Babyls... was Baal: Thunder Lord of the Thirteen Crowns!" "You know who are in the Thirteen Crowns?" Asked Kiriwo. "Yes, and that fact itself. So we finally found the demon behind that plot." Finalised Ryūko, "That is all, thank you for cooperating with me tonight." "You're very welcome, Ryūko-chan." Winked Kiriwo. The Demonitor signalled the end of the interview with a "CUT!" and received Ryūko's thanks for working with them before it deactivates. "Now that this is over, let's change for the night." Said Ryūko. "Okay. I'll grab my kimono." Said Kiriwo.

  After a few minutes, Ryūko was here in her crimson nightgown that had a slight kimono resemblence and Kiriwo in his white kimono. "Do you wear kimonos, too, Ryūko-chan?" Asked Kiriwo. "No. But I will consider that." Said Ryūko before her thoughts slipped in, "I better tell him the truth, otherwise my feelings for him will end in rejection. Amy-senpai. Can you... keep a secret?" "What's you be thinkin'?" Joked Kiriwo, "Of course I can." "Okay. When you said Iruma and I weren't like the others at all, that is true." Said Ryūko, "Because... I'm not demon; but I am somehow half-human and half-demon." Kiriwo was suprised to hear this, Ryūko was a being in the Netherworld that was believed to be a superstition; for her first half, at least. He had no idea how to respond to such a statement of honesty. "It's fine. You can hit me if you want me to despair in the truth." Frowned the azure haired female. "Ryūko-chan... You' re... a mythical bein'?" Asked Kiriwo a little flabbergasted, "That's pretty cool and unique 'bout ya." "You... really think so?" Asked Ryūko, receiving a nod from him, "Oh. Why not I share with you a fictional human story that I love so much." She went over to her bookshelf and picked out a book with an antique leather cover and gold details on the spine. "What's that book?" Asked Kiriwo. "This was a famous play written by a famous writer in the human world; a romantic tradegy of forbidden love, going by the name of Romeo & Juliet." Said Ryūko walking with the book before sitting next to him, "It's in one of the many languages of the human world. Why not we watch a film based of this play? I can translate the subtitles if you want. But the vocabulary of this writer is quite hard to understand, there's a guide there at the bottom of each page for readers to understand." Kiriwo took a look in the book and noticed that it was translated in the demon language. "So, you managed to translate this whole thing?" Asked Kiriwo. "No, my grandfather used a bit of magic for that." Said Ryūko, "Let's watch that film." She tapped on her little Demonitor, requesting for the film.

  As they began, Ryūko translates the subtitles that are seen on the projection. "Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes, a pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; whose misadventured piteous overthrows do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, and the continuance of their parents' rage,which, but their children's end, nought could remove, is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; the which if you with patient ears attend, what here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend." Translated Ryūko, "Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals. No, for then we should be colliers..." Time went by as they reached the party scene at Capulet's house, where Romeo Montague found Juliet Capulet and where Tybalt Capulet is unhappy about the young Montague's presence.

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