"Thank you, Iida. I'm happy to know that you care about me." He seemed surprised by my reply, his cheeks tinting a light pink. But they grew even redder when I moved suddenly, hugging him without warning. Iida, with his entire face flushed red, found difficulty in understanding my sudden change in mind about physical contact. At first, I had been against the idea of something as simple as a handshake and here I was now, clinging to him. But Iida, pushing past his confusion, focused on the situation on his hands.

A girl, one which he was quite fond of, was clinging to him in need of comfort and reassurance.

Giving in, Iida secured his arms around me, trying to ignore the blush which had consumed his face in red, now spreading to his ears. He tried to keep the embrace between strictly me and his arms, but couldn't help but lean in even further in. With his face nuzzled against the top of my head, I held on even tighter, feeling happy just being able to be so close to someone.

"If there's anything you want to talk about, I'll always be there to listen," he murmured, sending shivers down my spine. It was then that I let go, the two us slowly separating. It was only then that I realised how awkward that was, my hand instinctively moving to the back of my neck.

"And I guess I can say the same. If you ever want to talk to somebody or just wanna hang out, you can always come to me," I said, feeling embarrassed, especially after the hug. He nodded, the two of us remaining quiet, neither knowing what to say. Checking the time, I saw that there was plenty of time left in the day.

"Do you wanna train a little longer?" I asked, refusing to look up at the boy with the speed quirk. Iida was quick to respond, giving a robotic nod.

"O-of course, let's go!" he announced a lot louder than he had wished to. But all seemed to work out, he managed to get a giggle out of me. Walking by his side, I gave him a playful nudge before beginning to run towards the track, the two of us training for the remainder of the afternoon.


"What do you mean you haven't seen her all day?" Hajime panicked, having just returned home from work. Mihoko folded her arms across her chest, glaring at her husband.

"It means what it means, she went out and she hasn't come back." Heaving an exaggerated sigh, Hajime loosened his tie. Leaning his bag against the wall, he turned back towards the door.

"What are you doing?" Mihoko asked, her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. Hajime paused in front of the door, glancing back over his shoulder.

"I'm going to find her." The creases in his wife's face became even more defined as she outwardly expressed her dislike of what Hajime was about to do.

"So you just got home and all you care about is where that damn brat is. You're not even going to greet your wife?!" she yelled, fists clenched in anger. Rolling his eyes, Hajime ran his fingers through his hair.

"Oh, grow up. I'm just going to find her, calm down." Reaching for the door, he was stopped by Mihoko grabbing a firm hold of his wrist. Pulling it to her chest, she refused to let go.

"Let go of me, I'm going to find her."

"No, I won't let you," she argued, clinging as he tried to pry himself from her grip. This continued for a minute or so before Hajime gave up, giving his wife a blank look as if to ask what this was really about. Gritting her teeth, Mihoko's hold loosened, her grasp becoming more of an embrace as she wrapped her arms around her husband's forearm.

"Why do you care so much about her?" she whispered, nuzzling her face into Hajime's hand. Sighing once again, he allowed his wife to hold him.

"Because if I don't care, who else is there who will?"

Mihoko seemed to freeze in place, allowing Hajime to free his arm. He then turned back to the door, watching as it opened.


"Thank you for walking me back, Iida!" I called out to the spectacled boy who stood on the footpath, waving to me before he sprinted in the direction we had just come from. Walking up to the front door, I opened it and was surprised to see both Hajime and Mihoko standing there.

"We're you been all day, kid?" Hajime asked, sounding worried. I then remembered that I had only said I was going for a walk and hadn't told anyone that I would be out all day.

"I'm sorry, I ran into a friend from school and we hung out all day," I told him. Placing a hand on top of my head, he sent a gentle smile.

"Next time sent me a text or something, you worried me finding out you had been gone all day."

"Sorry, I'll be sure to do it next time." My eyes shifted from Hajime's kind smile to Mihoko who stood not too far away. Our eyes met for a brief moment before we both looked away, but my attention was drawn back to Hajime as he gave my head another pat.

"Go and wash up before dinner, you're covered in sweat," he chuckled. I nodded and hurried past the couple, heading upstairs and to my room, readying everything so I could go wash off.

Today had been better than I could've ever hoped. To run into Iida and spend the day with him, whether that be training or just talking. We had swapped numbers so we could contact each other whenever and I was happy that I had made another friend. I would admit that the hug was a little awkward to begin with but it became strangely intimate after that part was over.

And I was grateful, having someone to spend time with made me feel less lonely. In the beginning, I wouldn't have imagined Iida to be that good company but he was attentive and could see through my facades. I knew that he could tell there was so much more to me than what I had let show on the surface. And by his words, I could tell that he planned to stick by me whether I wanted him there or not.

Just to make sure I was okay.

Iida is a real sweetheart and I love him. Also, got some domestics going on in the Shinso household. Do not fear, there is no physical violence, it's merely arguments for the sake of character growth. I would like Mihoko to evolve and see that (Y/n) isn't the monster her mind has fabricated. Anyway, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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