We're the Bitterest Boys in Town

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A/N: ♥Written for my secret valentine ♥ Love you Shinny♥ thanks to my discord friends for inspiring this. You really should listen to 'Lemon Boy' by Cavetown.

The icy air burned Shinsou's cheeks, causing him to burrow further into the plush blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The night air was more chill than he was expecting, but a welcome change to the suffocating air of the dorms.

It hadn't been long since he finished moving in, only about a week into the new school year, and yet he has so many conflicting emotions coursing through him. Add in his usual trouble sleeping and now it's as if he can never get to sleep. He has taken to spending his nights up here, on the rooftop of the dorm, looking out over the campus and the stars.

It's a peaceful bliss, as opposed to the chaos of his new class. 2A, now in their second year, has seemingly no relaxing moments. Despite this, he wouldn't dream of going back to his old class. He was finally on his way to be a proper hero, to prove everyone wrong about him.

The stars twinkled above him in constellations that he was slowly learning more about the more often he is out here. So far, Ursa Major is the one he knows best. It's one of the few he can point out nearly every night.

He can't hear it now because of the soft music playing from his headphones, but he knows there are crickets chirping through the night and the hum of the electricity from the dorm. He drowns out the sound with his music. He closes his eyes and lets his head sway to the music.

A few moments pass before he is startled by a hand on his shoulder. At first he assumes its Aizawa come up to scold him for being out of his room after curfew. That had happened a few times, since technically he wasn't supposed to be up here. But no. It was someone else.

Spikey blonde hair was the first thing Shinsou noticed. It seemed to glow in the moonlight. Only one person he knows has hair like that.

Bakugou took a seat on the ground next to him and looked up at the sky. It was odd to see him so quiet. Shinsou lowered the volume of his music and looked back up to the sky.

"Can't sleep?" he whispered, not wanting to disturb the quiet of the night. Bakugou looked at him funny, as if that was a stupid question. It probably was considering, why else would he be awake and out here?

"Nah, you?" Despite what he said, his voice was heavy with sleep. He clearly just woke up. Further examination of him showed a redder than usual face. It was definitely cold outside but not cold enough to make his face that red that quick. Had he been crying?

"Eh it's such a nice night, why waste it." Shinsou elected not to bring up the tears. The past year was very intense for the class from what he's heard. He can't begin to imagine what must be going through Bakugou's head after all the stuff that went down with the League.

"What kinda shit are you even listening to anyway?" Bakugou reached over and pulled out the headphones from Shinsous phone. Instantly music started emitting from the phone. It sounded like the end of a song, soft and sweet. Shinsou glared at him, annoyed at the loss of his headphones, and took out the now silent earbuds.

"My indie playlist. It helps soothe me. You should try it," he snarked, before simply turning up the volume on his phone and setting it aside. The sound of Mumford and Sons echoed off the roof and they went back to staring at the stars.

"You see that there." Shinsou broke the quiet of the night a few moments later. "That's the Orion constellation, aka the warrior."

"Of course a nerd like you would know that. I bet you know all of these stars." He pointed vaguely at the sky. "What's that huh? The horse constellation?" He teased with a playful tone.

"Actually the one you are pointing at is the bull. Taurus. Ironically, your birth sign." This caused Bakugou to look back to him, slightly alarmed.

"How did you know that?" Suspicious eyes raked over him, scrutinizing every detail as if his appearance would reveal how he held this knowledge.

"Kaminari. He was talking about your birthday being soon. Don't get too freaked out." Kaminari had a tendency to talk to himself, very loudly. It's not his fault that he overheard them talking about planning a surprise party that would most likely get one of them killed if Bakugou found out.

"Hm. Well he should mind his own business." Another moment of silence passed as they listened to yet another song fade out. A new song was just starting as he continued. "What band is this?"

"Cavetown. This one is called Lemon Boy. It's one of my favorites." Bakugou looked thoughtfully at him before standing up. Figuring he was heading inside, Shinsou reached to grab his phone and follow, before his hand was grabbed.

Bakugou pulled him up into a standing position, sort of awkwardly but gentle, all things considered. Shinsou opened his mouth to question it before thinking better and just going along with it.

The two of them swayed lightly for a moment before Bakugou took lead, and now they were dancing. It was slow and held little rhythm, but it was playful. A slow dance, twirling in the darkness. The lyrics seemed to almost fade into the background though he couldn't help but to think that the song oddly fit.

As the world around them stopped existing the two were lost in each other. He couldn't understand what had brought this sudden dance on, but he couldn't find it in himself to question it, too lost in the moment. The feeling of each other, the melody surrounding them as the moon shone brightly above. Here they were alone. And that was enough.

But soon enough the song ended. And they were left staring at each other. There was something there, in Bakugou's eyes, that made him long to ask why. Why him? Why now? What does this mean? He desperately wanted to ask. But he remained quiet.

All too soon, they both turned. Shinsou reached to grab his phone and pick up the blanket that had been long forgotten, but when his gaze returned, Bakugou was gone.

Without the music the night seemed too silent. And cold.

The icy air burned Shinsou's cheeks, causing him to burrow further into the plush blanket wrapped around his shoulders. The night air was still chilly, but it was finally time to return to the warm air of the dorms.

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