A gift.

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It was a surprisingly peaceful night, tonight.
The moon had risen, and stars were scattered across the sky.
The leaves rustled softly as the branches swayed with the breeze. Very calming, especially with the chaos that they have been through. The duo of skeletons had been walking through this forest for quite some time, in mostly silence. That was, until the elder spoke up,

"I'm starting to get tired- why don't we rest a bit before we keep going?"

The younger, more dark boned skeleton perked
His head up at this,  he paused for a moment,
Before turning his head to look at geno.

"Y-yeah- that'd be nice.."

He stuttered out, in a quiet response.
Gradient was awfully tired as well,
Although, he was too shy to ask for a break.
He felt guilty, as if he'd be wasting the other's time if he had asked for anything. Grad was never good at expressing his needs..
Geno knew this, so he really spoke for gradient's sake. He could tell the younger was getting exhausted, and he didn't want grad to push himself any further, so he asked to stop, so grad wouldn't have to.

"Alright then,"

Geno looked around, trying to find a suitable spot for the both of them to sit, soon he pointed out a large oak tree.

"How about there? Does that look good?"

The glitched teen squints at the spot, adjusting
His glasses to see better. His vision was already
Horrible, and being in the dark didn't really help that much.

"-Yeah, that's good.."

He answered quickly, his voice hushed.
He didn't want to make a big hassle out of it,
So he just went with the first thing geno pointed out.


Geno took grad's hand, and gently pulled him
Over to the spot. Geno let go of his hand, sitting down under the large oak tree.
The moonlight shone through the branches,
Giving the spot a sorta.. spot lights effect.
Geno patted the spot next to him.
Grad quickly got the message, and sat next to him. Geno leaned against the tree, inhaling and exhaling softly. Gradient looked up into the sky, there was enough space between the branches to get a perfectly clear view of the sky and the stars, moon included. Grad smiled softly at the sight. Geno's eyelights shifted over to the younger.

"Enjoying the view?"

Geno's voice had snapped grad out of his dazed state, he turned his head to the dead man alive.

"Oh- yeah, it's- really pretty,"

He responded as he pushes up his glasses.
Geno smiled faintly, his eyes shifting to the sky.


He mumbled in agreement.

There was a moment of silence between the two, feeling discomfort from it, grad chosen to speak up once again.

"I-it reminds me of outertale,"

"Oh really?"

Geno inquires, sounding interested.
Grad continued,

"Yeah, with all the stars a-and all, and the fact it's so quiet, reminds me of it too,"

Grad went on about it for quite some time,
Despite being the quiet one, he could really
Go on and on if it was a topic he really cared about, and astronomy was one of them.
Geno quietly listened, giving small nods while looking at grad to show he was paying attention. Geno was glad to be hearing grad talk like this, acting like the kid he was.
Wasn't very often he seen grad look so happy,
And talk so passionately about the current subject.. geno was glad. And very happy.

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