Big Dreams

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Jenny had big dreams for herself, none of which her family understood. Jenny loved Forks, for its small, cute little charm. She was ready for a change. She was ready for the big city. She kept telling herself that though. She wasn't sure if that would change once she actually got there. She hoped it would love her as much as she loved it. Her family wanted her to reside in Forks, Washington with them. She loved her family. She would do anything for them but giving up her dreams she wouldn't. 

Jenny still had about 5 more months until she  was in her junior year of high school. Then she only had one year to go then she was leaving Forks behind. Jenny loved fashion and culinary arts. She wasn't sure which one she was going to college for. She had a year to plan all of that out though. She wasn't to worried about it. 

Jenny  had been caught up in her own thoughts when she felt a tap on her shoulder. SHe spun around to face a very smily best friend, Kayelynn. Kay had her black curls pulled into a tiny pony tail ontop of her head, and she was wearing her typical jeans and a hoodie look. She wasn't sure if she ever saw Kayelynn in anything else now that she had thought of it. 

THey had been best friends since they were 6 years old. THat's only because their mothers were best friends. They still were. Kaye's family was always having dinner with Jenny's family. Jenny was an only child so Kayelynn was basically the only sister she ever had. 

"Whattcha thinking about?" Kay questioned, with raised eyebrows. Jenny slammed her lock shut and shrugged. " Nothing really." She answered. " Just cant wait to move away from this place" She continued. Kaye gave her a small smile. 

Jenny slung her backpack over her shoulders. Kaye didn't dream of leaving Forks. She was very much a home body, and liked to stay in one place. She didn't like change, and moving was a huge change. She had tried to convince her best friend to move away with her, but she wouldn't change her mind. No matter the convincing she had tried. " I am going to miss you horribly when you leave" Her best friend said montone voice. 

"I know, but i have to chance my dreams, and you" She paused, " Out of all the people in the world should answer that" as they continued to move forward toward their next class. 

She had biology class with the perfect Edward Cullens and his girlfriend, Bella Swan.  Edward was gorgeous, and bella looked like she got hit by a bus from Mean Girls. She wouldn't stand the girl. She wasn't sure why. She just couldn't. Maybe it was because everyone seemed to love her weak, little attitude or what. She wanted to knock her straight into next week. 

Kayelynn and Jenny found a seat in the back of the classroom where they would have to be bothered by teenage romance or drama.  

Kaye, and Jenny were finally done with a full day of classes. Now it was her favorite part of the day, home time.  Well sort of, Kaye and Jenny normally went to La Push beach after classes got out to spend time with Emily Uley. Emily was Jenny's mother sister, only by marriage of course. Jenny adored Emily. She always loved going to help Emily prepare food for her husband and his friends that always seemed to hang out all the time. Emily was helping Jenny prefect her cooking skills. 

" You want to come to Emily's with me Kayelynn?" She asked throwing her backback into the passanger seat of Ford f-150. 

"Nah. I have a ton of homework to do." She said before getting into her car and pulled away. Jenny shrugged, and climbed into her truck. She started her up and she was on her way to Emily house.

After a few minute drive, she pulled in. She parked her and shut her down before hopping out. " Emily" She called before bouncing into the house. " In the kitchen." A fiant voice called to her. She made her way that way. She found her second favorite person standing over a stove, stirring something. Jenny guessed it was soup. "

"Whattcha making Em?" She questioned. Emily nodded. " Yup, and some biscuits, which are in the oven right now. They should be about down. Can you pull them out for me and put the second batch in? Please" She asked sweetly. Jenny considered Emily very much a mother figure. She did what she asked. 

"Thanks." Emily said giving Jenny a warm smile. Jenny helped Emily put a huge pot of soup on the table along with bowls, and a tray or two full of biscuits to dip in soup. Emily made her famous Potatoe soup. It was the best. " Emily. It smells so good, can I ?" She asked grabbing a bowl. EMily gave a small chuckle and nodded.  Jenny filled her bowl with soup and grabbed a few biscuits.  She sat down when the doors burst open and several teenage boys wandered in. 

Emily greet them each one by one. Jenny regonized a few of them, including Paul, Sam, Jake, Embry, Quil, Jared, Seth, and Leah. There were two more boys that Jenny didn't regonized. Sam introduced them as Brady, and Collin. She mumbled a quick hello, not looking up from her bowl. Jenny was shy around the pack members or Sam's friends as she knew them. They wer all gorgous, and Jenny considered herself a troll. A cute troll but a troll none the less. Jenny finally looked up when her eyes met deep, carmel ones that seemed fixed on her. She felt like some sort of feeling flashed across her body, like a heat wave. She noticed it was EMbry staring her now, who dropped his spoon his bowl. Jenny felt embarassed. That was the under startment of the year. 

Jenny quick finished her soup and put bowl in the sink. She knew her cheeks were flushed and more red than she would possibly think of. 

" Emily, I am going to head home now." She said, her eyes focused on the floor of Emily house. Emily smiled.  " Okay, Are you going to be around tomorrow?" She asked. Jenny shook her head no. " Not tomorrow, why?" She questioned. " Just curious." Emily stated back. 

Jenny quickly rushed out to her truck. The air was cool. It felt great against her hot skin. She didnt know what happened between Embry and herself, but she had a strange feeling about it. She never thought of Embry as her type but who knows, maybe he was. 

"Jenny wait!" SOmeone called her. She turned around to see Embry Call towering over her. She wasn't quite sure what to say.  SHe noticed Embry was nervously rubbing the back of his neck.  " Yes?" SHe questioned. " I was wondering if you know, we could hang out some time." He asked her, giving her a crooked grin. Jenny nodded.  She said good by to EMbry and made her way home

After a long day it was finally time to go to bed and beginning again. That is exactly what she did when she got home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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