The reincarnation

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The year of the fallen moon, 20AE.

Wails like slaughtered pigs drowned silence once still like death; blood drenched midwives were stampeding through the ironwood door, paler than usual and with horror written all over their elvin faces. No soul was prepared for such horrors, not even the Omnian Empire, which was built with methods of such brutality. Oh, but this... this was far more horrific than anything they could have ever dreamed or conjured up.

The screaming ended, and the sounds of liquid being splattered on the walls followed. The six members of the Omnian council, as well as the grand dukes and duchesses, barons and baronesses, the king and his royal family gathered in the great halls. Readying for whatever monstrosity awaits them.

Then.. all went still..

"Open the door, Medoris.." Tutoral, king of the Omnian empire, and eldest son of the fallen Arua, commanded.

"B-but sire, I-" Medoris protested, shaking in his place.

"This is the product of your carelessness. Therefor, I demand you to open the door this instant!" The young king demanded, his tone strict and harsh, causing his head master to wince.

"Y-yes, Rahein." he said, as meek and as mild as a mouse. He extended his hand, black veins branched out underneath pale white skin, and he grasped the silver door knob. He twisted the skull shaped knob, and slowly opened the door. It creaked, sending a chill up the spine of the Omnian head master.

His blackened eyes flicked over towards the bed, and what he saw would make a light being faint.

Upon the bed was the corpse of a Chomaro woman, her stomach was ripped open, and parts of her body looked like it had been torn from the bone and devoured. There was blood everywhere, but Medoris took special note of the blood that looked like something had fell off the bed and drug itself towards the closet.

He gulped down the dryness in his throat, his heart thrummed madly within the cage beneath his flesh. His imagination went wild, what hellish beast had just been unleashed? What creature, instead being born of natural ways, devours itself into the world like a maggot through rotting filth?

Conjuring a fire spell, he prepared himself to fight whatever beast awaits him. Next, was the click, the turning of a silver handle of the closet in which the cretin now hides within. The door now opens, the flames hovering above Medoris' hand lit the darkness within.

There, laying among blood and bile, was the child. "By the eyes of Nafarata.." Medoris breathed, a breath that shook when it escaped his lungs.

The baby, the girl, looked normal enough, but what set her apart was the fact that she had the legs of a bird and eyes that flickered like candlelight. A beast-child, a chimera of Chomaro, and something forbidden. But did she? Did she bear the mouth of the monster in which fathered her? Medoris, with utmost caution, knelt down and unsheathed his sword from his hip and with the bladed end, opened the child's mouth.

He gasped.

Such horrors! "S-Sire! Sire, I beg of you, we must destroy it immediately!" Medoris cried, looking down at the blood soaked child, gnawing at her own umbilical cord.

"No! No.." the young king called back, entering the room behind Medoris, only to settle beside him and peering down at the wriggling slaughterer. "She is perfect.." he mused, a sinister smile creeping upon his face.

"My king, you do not know what you say. She is a monster, an abomination. Child of Somakhiya, the omen of blood and flesh. The father of butchers and devourer of sin, of us. Of the dark ones. She will turn on us."

"She is of flesh and bone, she is not Somakhiya. She may be his child, but she.. she is only just. And like a child she can be molded by her teachers, her caretakers. If she grows to gain the powers of her sire, then she will be the key to destroying the light walkers, and taking over all four of the great realms. She will be the the expansion of our empire and the awakening of our mother." Tutoral slowly bent down and picked the child up, as if she was a harmless as a lamb. And the child was just that, for a moment. She screeched, her eyes blackened and she lunged for his throat.

"Whoa, whoa! I see this one will have to be fed constantly. Bring me our most wretched of man! If she is anything like her sire, she will desire the flesh of the worst of the living. The filthiest of souls, the putrid meat in which will fill her, and satiate a hunger that can never be satiated with just any flesh."

His subjects were still for a moment, gazing upon their king like a bunch of scared children. Unsure of whether keeping the child was wise or not.

Holding the child back, Turoral let out an impatient snarl, his blackened eyes only grew blacker, "What are you fools standing about for? Get this child something to eat!"

They scrambled, servants and nobles alike. Out of the blood soaked room, leaving the young king and his queen to observe the hellion child.

"I pray you know what you are doing, my king. " Queen Alenia spoke, watching her husband cradle the now calm child.

"I've a premonition, my dear. And I have never been wrong before. Put your faith in me, and soon we will no longer have to breathe in this poisonous air, nor walk among hills of black ash and sulphur." his gaze fell upon the child in his arms, before flicking upwards towards the corpse on the bed. "And she will be the weapon in which will be the fall of the four great empires, and the rise of ours."

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