"Gyaaakk!! COMING THROUGH!! COMING THROUGH!!" Inosuke barges in the gate, breaking the wooden bars that hides the city from the outside. You all sweat dropped looking at the now broken gate Infront of your eyes.

"Well...No one saw that...Let's just run.." You sighed and ran through the broken gate, chasing after Inosuke while the others were also behind you.

But he was gone. You slowed down and noticed that no one was around. Curfew? You thought, your foot stopped as you felt a strong gush of wind push you and made a thick mist cover you all and it wasn't made by human...You closed your eyes looking for the demon that roams around the city...But the mist, it shocked you. Your ability was now a disgrace, you saw red allover as your eyes clasped shut. You opened them and realized that the mist was from the demon and it was no use for you to use your ability. You looked at Tanjiro and realized he can't also smell.

But Zenitsu... Zenitsu...WAS GONE!

You looked at Tanjiro, eyes widened in fear. "ZENITSU?!" You shout, hoping he'd come by.

But, he's nowhere to be found. Tanjiro stayed close to you. You were scared to see Zenitsu dead, as for Inosuke, he has the strength to endure, but Zenitsu for your knowing, NO! He's a coward to you and you want to protect him. You held your haori, trying to fan off the mist, but everytime you fan, it comes back.


Inosuke's shout was heard from your surroundings. "Damnit...We need to find them quick...The demon isn't that weak as we thought..." You say holding Tanjiro's arm and started to walk in the place.

"INOSUKE!!" you shout.

"ZENITSU!!" Tanjiro shouts.

The breath of the moon has a total of 13 different forms, but only 10 can be used by the human kind, the other 3 were extremely uncontrollable, and can only be controlled by the wielder who dedicates his/her life to the blade, following it's swift movements, but if you're too weak to handle it, you could receive multiple damages and can consult to your death.

You heard Inosuke and Zenitsu both scream in agony as you held your katana's hilt, breathing in calmly. You were about to use an incredibly dangerous move, but you have to choose between one for two, or two for one. And you have chosen the path which can lead you to death.

"Total concentration: Moonlight breathing, eleventh form, Breath of the owl form."

You twirled around, making a roaring tornado in the shape of an owl's eyes. You knew the form was unbearable to the human fragile body, but you need to do it, to help them. Your (e/c) pupils illuminated, making you see more accurately. The tornado you made, sucked out the mist completely, making a clear way Infront of you. Tanjiro looked at you in awe, but he was worried that you wouldn't be able to handle it afterwards.

"Show me the way to Inosuke and Zenitsu"

You ordered the tornado. The tornado followed and whirled around the mist to their way. The figure of a passed out Zenitsu and a lying down Inosuke was glowing in your eyes.

"Tanjiro, we need to get to them now"

You calmly said and walked to their direction. Tanjiro followed you also gripping on his Katana. The figure of Inosuke and Zenitsu was getting closer and closer until it was finally in your eyes. Even tho it was dark, the breath of the owl form helped you. You quickly got to them, checking their pulse. Good thing they both were okay, but one thing, they were banged up.

Inosuke had major cuts allover his body and he passed out. Zenitsu on the other hand also passed out but had minor cuts on his body.

"Well, Well...Look who we have here..."

A random voice loudly whispers in your ears

"An (L/N)...How wonderful.. Kibutsuji would like to have your head..."

It continued.

You looked around to see where it was, but you can't....Your breathing wasn't working. The demon uses blood art to make the fog thicker and thicker you thought smartly. You were about to use one of the Moon Breathing forms, but a flash of lightning struck the demon aggressively, and it was gone. You were shocked and curious to see who've done it but the move was too fast for your eye to catch up.

Your Moon Breathing form died out as well as the demon's mist. Tanjiro looks and checks you worriedly. "(Y/N) does anything hurt? Do you feel bad?" He asks. You denied and he sighs in relief.

"AHH! (Y/N)! TANJIRO! INOSUKE!" Zenitsu shouts, finally regaining consciousness. Inosuke was still passed out, the demon played him well. You and Tanjiro helped eachother into carrying Inosuke and you all took him to a nearby Wisteria Residence, not too far from Ishinomaki.

This time an old man greeted. And the smile plastered on his face was very welcoming and soothing.

"Greetings young demon slayers"

T H E - D A N C I N G - B L A D E ✓


Tanjiro: Woah! Reader-San survived the forbidden moonlight breathing forms!

Nezuko: MHM MHMm! (Happy Tone)

Tanjiro: She never saw Zenitsu in action though...

Nezuko: mhmm mhm.. (saddened tone)

Tanjiro: But overall! You did great (Y/N)!

(Random cheering noises in the background)

Tanjiro: Time for AUTHOR SECRET!

(Drum roll)

Tanjiro: Did you know, Author-San was like Zenitsu, her hearing is really sensitive! The sound of her Air conditioner gives her anxiety! Also when she was a child, she hated going into festivals with fireworks, pop the balloon stalls, and paint gun battles! One time, she was forced to go to the fireworks festival and her ears bled!

Nezuko: Mhm! Mhm! (Surprised tone)

Tanjiro: That's it for AUTHOR SECRET!!! Next chapter PRETTY BOY!!!


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