All Dreams Come True~The Sequel{Pt7}

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Yn~that's why are you here?

James~i'm with my nephew

Yn~Erica had a baby?

James~yeah he just turnt 5 yesterday and she's suppose to be picking us up but she's an hour late

Daylyn~here mommy can we go see daddy now

Yn~yeah sure um James I can take you guys home if you want

James~you sure?

Yn~yeah after I drop my daughter off

James~if it's not a problem

Yn~i assure you it's not

James~okay thanks

Yn~no problem

James~let me go get my nephew real quick I'll be right back

Yn~okay we'll be right here

James~(go get his nephew)

Yn~you want to get a toy?


Yn~okay what do you want?

Daylyn~that(point to a princess ball)

Yn~okay can I have that princess ball please?

Worker~sure(give ball)here you go cutie

Yn~what do you say?

Daylyn~thank you

Worker~you're welcome

James~y'all ready?

Yn~yeah,aww that's Erica son?


Yn~(scoop to his level)hi cutie what's your name?

James nephew ~Jacob

Yn~hi Jacob I'm Yn and this is my daughter Daylyn



Yn~i'm going to take you and uncle James home ok?


Yn~come on y'all ready?


Yn~okay lego


Jacob~hi I'm Jacob

Daylyn~i know you said it in chuck E.cheese

Yn~Daylyn be nice

Daylyn~sowey mommy

Yn~apologize to Jacob

Daylyn~sowey Jacob



Yn~i knew you were gonna be the one to break the silence

James~(chuckle)yeah who was?

Yn~(giggle)not me

James~i know that's why i did you have always been the quit one

Yn~not anymore now I speak my mind all the time and now it's hard for people to shut me up

Daylyn~got that right

Yn~Daylyn hush this is grown folks business

Dylyn~sowey mommy

James~looks like she take after you and speak her mind too

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