
Not long after, they pulled into a street with a lot of houses- all completely identical apart from the curtains in the windows and the cars parked outside. They saw the door to number 4 close and decided they were just in time. They got out of the taxi, collected Draco's things out of the boot and walked up to the door. Narcissa knocked and it was quickly answered by a pig like teen. 

"Who are you?" He asked rudely.

"My name's Narcissa and this is my son Draco. We're the people staying with you for the summer. Are your parents in or are they still collecting your cousin?" She explained kindly.  the pig boy stepped aside and let them in before leading them to the living room.

"Mum, they're here." He stated. Petunia- a horse faced woman- stood up and introduced herself.

"Hello. I'm Petunia, This is my son Dudly," She said pointing to the pig like boy from before. Draco snorted at the name.

"You think my name's funny?" Dudly asked.

"Well, yeah." Draco answered honestly.

"Well what about your name. I mean what sort of a name is 'Draco'?" He asked sassily.

"Actually, in Latin, Draco translates to dragon. So you can shut your mouth you pig." Draco sneered.

"Vernon Dursley." A beefy walrus like man steeped forward and introduced himself.

"Dudykins, why don't you take Draco to where he'll be staying?" Petunia suggested. Draco snorted again at the nickname.

"Where's he staying?" Dudley asked his mum.

"Get the freak to clean his room and Draco can stay in there." Vernon told his son.

"He's not gonna want to stay in the same room as him Dad." Dudley said.

"Then the waste of space will go somewhere else." Vernon stated. Dudley led Draco upstairs and to the very last door. There was a cheap looking cat flap installed and there was many dents and scratches in it. Dudley opened the door to reveal a very dishevelled raven-haired boy trying to get bars off his window.

"What'd dad tell you about getting those off!" Dudley shouted as he stomped forward. The small boy took one look at Dudley and made a run for the door. Draco caught him in his arms and looked at the small boy. He was about a head and a half shorter than Draco and was very skinny. He looked ill. He had messy raven hair and circular glasses that hid emerald green eyes. Draco's eyes widened in realisation but Harry didn't even know who was holding him. He was struggling against Draco and screaming at the top of his lungs.


"Someone like who?" Narcissa asked as she came upstairs from hearing the noise. Harry looked up with tears staining his cheeks. When he saw who it was, he relaxed. He didn't know why, but he trusted Narcissa. She was the only Malfoy who hadn't hurt him.

"Draco, let go of him." Narcissa told her son. Harry looked up at the person holding him and his eyes widened in fear before he began struggling again. Draco let go of the small boy and he ran to Narcissa who embraced him in a tight hug to calm him. She knelt down to look him in the eyes and wiped away the remaining tears with her thumbs.

"Where's mum and dad? They're usually up here by the time he kicks off." Dudley asked.

"He does this often?" Narcissa asked.

"Yeah, usually we just need to knock some sense into him and he shuts up." Dudley replied, shrugged his shoulders. "He normally only plays up when it's just me with him. The dumb prick, thinks he can get away with it." Dudley sneered. Harry buried his head in the crook of Narcissa's neck.

"Your parents went shopping for ingredients for dinner tonight." Narcissa told Dudley when she remembered that she hadn't answered his question from earlier. Harry looked at her.

"Do you know what they want me to cook?" He asked timidly.

"I think they said something about lasagne, but whatever it is I'll help you." She said.

"No, you don't ha-"

"But I want to." She reassured, cutting of his protests. She stood up and took hold of his hand. She began walking towards his bedroom to see if he had any clothes that fit him better but he began struggling. Usually when he was being led to his room, it was for a beating. Narcissa stopped and crouched in front of him again.

"Why don't you want to go in there? What do they do to you in there?" She asked softly.

"H-hit me and touch me." Harry replied, tears forming in his eyes.

"Touch you where Harry?" She asked. Harry pointed to his groin as a few tears fell. Narcissa picked up the light child, something that wasn't very difficult considering the fact that he was basically just skin and bone. She leant next to his ear.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm just seeing if you have any clothes that will fit you better." She whispered. Harry nodded his head and allowed himself to be carried in. Dudley left to go play GTA and Draco helped his mum look through the old rags that Harry called clothes to find him something more suitable to wear. After nearly an hour of looking, they couldn't find anything that would fit his small frame.

"Draco, do you have any shorts and a small t-shirt?" She asked. Draco nodded and pulled out a pair of grey combat shorts and a small tank top.

"I don't think I have any small t-shirts but this tank top is pretty small." He stated.

"Perfect." Narcissa stated, taking the clothes from her son. "Okay Harry, stand up for me." She said. Harry did as told. Narcissa removed his over-sized t-shirt and gave him a sympathetic look for the cuts and scars littering his chest, stomach and back. There was one or two on his arms but not anywhere near as many as on his torso. She slipped the tank top over his head and helped him guide his arms through the arm holes. She helped him undo the tight belt and get his jeans off to reveal a manky pair of yellow boxers that were clearly supposed to be white. Draco grimaced at the sight and handed his mother a pair of Slytherin green boxers for Harry. Narcissa gave a quick thank you to her son before turning back to Harry. She tugged down the yellow fabric and Harry blushed a deep red considering he was standing in only a tank top in front of his enemy and enemy's mother. Narcissa helped him into the boxers and shorts.

"Do you want to wear socks? Shoes?" She asked him.

"No, I'm okay, I usually just go around bare foot. I don't like the feel of shoes." He said. She nodded, stood up and held her hand out to him, which he hesitantly took. She lead him downstairs to the livingroom with Draco following behind. Draco was wearing black skinny jeans, a green t-shirt and grey converses. Narcissa was wearing a dark purple long sleeve with the sleeves rolled up and some blue jeans with black flats. Draco and Narcissa sat down on the couch while Harry just sat down in front of Narcissa's feet, leaning against her legs. She began carding her elegant fingers through his raven locks as Draco leaned against her shoulder, glad that they were both safe. Soon, Harry was asleep so Draco turned towards his mother and began speaking about nothing and everything. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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