Chapter 5- Just Friends

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'Penny, meet Amy Farrah Fowler. Amy, this is Penny. ' Sheldon introduced the girls.

'Nice to meet you. So, you're an arts student?' Amy asked.

'Yes, I am studying theatre. ' Penny smiled.

'Such great aspirations from a simple mind. ' Amy mumbled sarcastically under her breath.

Unfortunately Penny had extraordinary hearing. 'Excuse me?'

'Nothing, really. Just contemplating how much better and advanced the world would be if all humans just devoted resources and manpower towards science. ' Amy replied smoothly, looking at Sheldon for approval.

'Ah, that's an extremely valid point Amy. ' Sheldon began to say.

Amy smirked.

'However, we cannot discount the contributions of the arts industry as well, however much smaller their significance is,' Sheldon continued to say, earning an equally smug expression on Penny's face.

'Yes, much more insignificant. 'Amy smiled. She felt strangely obliged to get on his good side. What's wrong with me? Perhaps it's just stress or my imbalanced hormones. No big deal.

'Sheldon, are you helping them too? How kind of you,' Penny cooed.

'Why, thank you. I help whenever I can. Of course this means I have to divide my attention between your groups and mine... please note that my team is always the priority. ' Sheldon said haughtily.

'Yes, thank you Sheldon, but me and Raj need your help here,' Howard quickly piped up, wiping off some sweat off his brow.

Sheldon felt rather overwhelmed by the sudden attention. He knew it was purely because they needed his help and not his companionship but now he knew how populars feel. Wanted and indispensable.

'Sheldon Cooper. Never thought you'd get a girlfriend so quickly, ' Amy suddenly hissed to him.

'Are you sure you are talking to the right person?' Sheldon replied stiffly.

'Why, it's pretty obvious Blondie has a crush on you anyway. I just hope you can be discerning, ' Amy advised.

'That is certainly flattering to hear, ' Sheldon felt blood rush to his cheeks and ears, but pretended to stay focused. 'I have zero interest in anything more than platonic relationships, however. Besides, she isn't my cup of tea.' Sheldon turned around abruptly, a queer half-smile on his face. 'Why the sudden interest in my love life,Amy Farrah Fowler? '

'I was merely looking after your interests, Mr Cooper. I'm glad you think the same way.' Amy forced a smile, her own ears getting redder by the second. 'What makes you think otherwise?' She laughed in a strangled tone.

'Nothing.' Sheldon's gaze lingered on her for a full four seconds before turning back to his table again.

A/N: it was fun writing this chapter because I enjoy writing conversations/dialogues. Especially when a Shamy moment is involved!!

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