"I Didn't Mean It, Idiot" (BakuDeku)😖🥰

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There will be angst in the beginning but it turns into fluff:)

This took me around a week to write

I finished it the other day when we had free time in class 😁 

Also i'm using the emoji's off my computer so they look weird. 

(also the fanart is super cute, props to the artist :))

Anyways i hope you enjoyyyyy


Midoriya got up that morning, dreading having to face another day of school and being bullied by his childhood friend, Bakugou Katsuki. He got dressed quickly and headed into the kitchen . His mother was already up and waiting for him.

"Good morning, Izuku. Did you sleep okay?" Inko asked. He nodded his head and hugged her. He told her goodbye and kissed her forehead. He quickly walked out of the door and began his journey to school.

He got there relatively early, so he took his seat and began writing in his hero notebook. Bakugou had already arrived in class and was just sitting at his desk, looking as intimidating as ever.

Once everyone arrived to class, the teacher began teaching. Today he talked about all the job opportunities there are, but mainly he talked about the hero academies.

"Katsuki Bakugou, you said you wanted to go to U.A. high school, correct," he said.

"Ha, yea. I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as side-kicks to some busted D-lister," Bakugou said snickering.

"Oh, yea. Midoriya, you had also said you wanted to attend U.A., right," the teacher said. Everyone stopped and turned to him. Midoriya's face turned extremely red and he slowly nodded his head. Everything was silent then everyone bursted into laughter. Several comments were thrown around about the quirkless teenager.

After they all settled down and class ended, Bakugou walked up to Midoriya. His fear rose to extreme levels as his childhood 'friend' approached him.

"So you really believe you can become a hero, Deku. Even without a quirk," Bakugou said, activating his quirk in one palm. Midoriya slowly nodded and hugged his arms to his chest. Bakugou started to laugh and pinned him to the wall behind him.

"If you want to be a hero so badly, go take a swan dive off the roof of the building. And pray you'll be born with a quirk in your next life," he said leaving the classroom. Midoriya stood in that spot for a few seconds, processing what he had been told. He walked out of the classroom and headed up the stairs leading to the roof.

He arrived and the wind blew his hair in every direction. He took his backpack off and took out the suicide note he had written awhile back from is original attempt. He set a book on top of it so it will stay and walked towards the edge. He got to the edge and looked down. This was it, it's the day he would finally be relieved from this hellhole known as society. He looks down, closes his eyes, and begins to feel himself fall.

As he falls, he thinks of how his mom would be devastated, but he doesn't regret this.

'This is what everyone wants. Especially Kacchan,' he thinks as he gets closer and closer to death.

Bakugou was still on the school campus and he saw something fall from the roof. He thought it was just a bird until he saw a tuft of green hair. His eyes widened and he ran towards the building. He used his quirk to help him get there faster, but he was too late. As soon as he reaches Midoriya, he's already on the ground. Bakugou runs up to him, holding him.

"No. no! You can't die on me dammit. I'm so sorry, please," he yells holding him close. He quickly reaches for his phone and calls the ambulance.

After he gets off the phone with them, his eyes begin to water.

The ambulance arrives and they put Midoriya on the stretcher.

"Can I please go with him? He's," he paused for a second, "he's my boyfriend," he says hoping this is enough to convince them to let him go. They look at each other and nod their heads, letting him into the vehicle. He thanks them and quickly gets in.

They got him to the hospital and rushed him to a room. They let Bakugou into the room.

They were there for several hours. Bakugou held his hand the entire time and kept his head down. He knew this was all his fault. Why did he say it? If he would have just kept his mouth shut, midoriya would be smiling and actually happy.

Bakugou called Midoriya's mom, telling her why her son was in a hospital bed. Once she arrived, her eyes were filled with tears and she hugged Bakugou tightly. She cried into his shoulder as he kept his hand holding Midoriya's. He felt a slight squeeze on his hand and he turned his head quickly. He saw Midoriya, struggling to open his eyes. Bakugou's eyes widened, and he urged his mom to look up too. He assumed she'd be extremely happy that her baby is still alive.

"Oh my goodness, Izuku. Are you feeling okay, sweetie?" she frantically asked, as tears poured out of her eyes.

"Yes, mama. I'm okay. Just kind of laying here." he responded. He looks around and sees Bakugou.

"Why is Kacchan here?" he asked confused.

"Katsuki was the one who called the ambulance when he found you. I also think he cried more than I did," Inko answered. Midoriya kept his eyes on Bakugou, noticing his tear stained face.

After everyone left, Bakugou stayed and still held onto Midoiya's hand. In fear that if he would let go, he'd lose him forever.

"Deku. I'm so sorry for what I said. I don't know why the fuck I said it. I know this is all my fault. You probably hate me, hell I hate myself. If you don't want to talk to me, that's fine-" he was suddenly cut off as Midoriya used what strength he had at this moment to pull him down to kiss him. Bakugou's eyes widened and he kissed back. They stayed like this for a few moments. Bakugou smiled as he pulled away. Midoriya smiled back and put his hands on Bakugou's. He looks down and his eyes start to water once again.

"What's wrong Kacchan?" Midoriya asked. He lifts Bakugou's head and looks him in the eyes.

"It's my damn fault you're in here. If I would have kept my mouth shut you would not have done that and you wouldn't be hooked up to all these things. You'd be happier if I wasn't in your life," he says, trying to stop his tears from streaming down his face. Midoriya smiled gently.

"Katsuki," Bakugou's eyes widened at the use of his first name, "this is not your fault. If anything, it's my fault. I let those words get to me. And I've loved you for so long. I'm the weak one here. Look at me, I'm in a hospital bed. You shouldn't lecture yourself over something I did," he says, wiping the tears off of Bakugou's cheeks. Midoriya pulled Bakugou onto the bed and Bakugou out his arms around his waist. He put his head onto his chest and Midoriya began to pet his head, trying to calm him down. They snuggled for a while before they fell asleep.

When Midoriya got out of the hospital, they burned the suicide note. Midoriya promised he'd never attempt it again, Bakugou was going to make sure of it. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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