"I love you so much; I would leave everything for you in a heartbeat."

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course love," he said with a cheeky smile that reached his emerald green eyes.

I got a bad vibe, at that very moment, but chose to ignore it, because I trust him and the words that are leaving his mouth.

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Author’s Note: Now you guys could stop reading here… or you could go on to read the next part, its years later in Harry’s POV and well I would like to think it’s cute, although I’m not sure if you will like it. If you decide not to read it, skip all the way to the end to read my final authors note.

** ** **


Harry Styles:

“Styles, I never thought this day would come, but I guess all I could say is congratulations.” Louis, my best mate, spoke out of the blue. I hadn’t even realized he was in the room already. I thought everyone was still outside.

I can’t believe him. He would say something like that when he will be in the exact position I am in only just a month.

He’s met someone, and I would like to say that I’ve never seen him happier in his life. She saved him from the nothingness that was his life, just as Melanie did for me.

I literally cannot believe that six years ago today, I saw her for the very first time at the airport on a flight to Los Angeles.

I was almost certain that I would never see her again after that flight, but fate brought us together. She always thanks me for saving her from herself and the life she despised, but really, I am the one that should be thanking her.

She saved me from the life I was living. She showed me that I deserved to be loved and that somebody else deserved to receive my love.

I’m not going to lie; the past six years haven’t been an easy ride for either of us. It took her an entire year to truly trust me and I almost ruined it. I didn’t though. I could never do anything to hurt her.

I love her with all my heart and that’s so much more than I could say about anyone else. She is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me, and I never once thought that I would be here standing in a church about to get married. That thought had never once passed my mind, until I met her.

Hunter and Lily tied the knot earlier this year and I couldn’t be happier for them. I can thank them partially for me standing here. It was actually really funny how things worked out. Hunter, Louis and I proposed to our girls on the same exact day. We each knew that it was going to happen, but we hadn’t planned for it to happen on the same day.

Everyone’s faces were priceless when we met each other later that day for our bonfire. We each arrived at the fire pit at the same exact time from different direction. And the girls all said it at the same exact time. “I’M ENGAGED!” They were all so happy, and I was too. I was extremely happy that I was going to get the chance to spend the rest of my life with the girl I loved, and I knew they felt the same exact way.

I’m getting more and more anxious as the seconds go by. I want Melanie to walk through those doors and down the aisle already. I really cannot wait until she’s mine. Forever.

Right before I proposed, I made a promise to her, and myself, that I would never leave her the way my father left my family. She was more than thrilled to hear those words leave my mouth. The smile on her face was bigger than I’ve ever seen it before in my life, and I’m almost certain that it will be even bigger tonight.

“Well, you’ll be here soon enough, and I’ll be able to say the exact thing to you.”

“Are you happy? Do you think you made the right decision in going to Los Angeles after all?”

“I am beyond happy; you won’t know this feeling until you are in my shoes waiting for her to walk down that aisle. All I want to do is have her here in front of me and say ‘I do.’ I know that I made the right decision in leaving my life behind and coming to LA. I never thought this would happen. I never thought all of this would come from going to school overseas, if I had known I would have done it a lot sooner.”

“And you love her?”

“Yes Lou; I love her more than I love anyone else in this world.”

“Well then, hold your breath cause here she comes.”

I then realized that everyone was in their seats and the music had started. I turned around to see the love of my life walking down the aisle with both of her parents on either side of her.

She looked beyond beautiful and this was it. From this day on, I will never be alone again. She will come home to me at our home, even though she already does now. We will be together every day and night, always.

Our lives are starting now.

Author’s Note: Hey guys, so this is it. I’m going to admit had the first part of this was written perfectly, and I LOVED how it had originally came out... But that unfortunately disappeared, I guess it either didn't save or it was deleted somehow. Anyway, the point is, I had to rewrite it and this is what came out if it... I personally don't like it as much as my original since I don't remember half of the things I had originally written, but regardless of my unfortunate luck, I hope you enjoyed reading Trust Issues... It was really fun to write, and at times, very frustrating. I wanted to stop writing it so many times that I can’t even tell you but I forced myself to sit down and write it all, so yeah.

I love you guys for reading my story. I really do appreciate it. I think it kinda really sucks but whatever you made it to the end so yeah. Don’t forget to check out my other works or not, its fine. (I promise the other ones are better constructed and better written). But yeah vote and comment if you like this. Okay well bye. 

Trust Issues h.s.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin