chapter 1

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One Month Later...........

Lotus Pier......................

Wei Wuxian slowly opened his heavy eyelids, blinking once and then twice. Smell of medicine in his room hit him hard, dulling his senses. He blinked a few more times and toke in the familiar surroundings of his room and his bedside table. He felt confused at first, but soon as he realized if he is in his room then he is at lotus pier. (Okay one problem solved.)

Wei Wuxian tried to turn round. He was currently lying on his stomach and felt uncomfortable. he slowly shifted to turn around and instantly wished he didn't. A sharp pain shot in Wei Wuxian whole body and painful shivers ran down his spine. His brows frowned; cold sweat ran down his forehead. He can guess that his body must be covered in bandages. He tried to move a little more when other wave of pain hit him and he finally gave up and lied back on the bed.

His eyes widened as memories of past few months flooded his mind. Wei Wuxian panicked and sat up as fast as he could forgetting the pain on his back. He slipped on the shits falling down the bed and landing on his face.

'Ah!! It hurts so badly, those idiotic GusuLan people are so stupid and stubborn. Ah! It hurts, it hurts.'

Uncaring of how his body pled him to lie back down he slowly stood up on wobbly legs. He shook his head a few times for the dizziness to go away. He knows, he knows very well that he can't last long like this with the pain in his back and the wounds on his body he can most likely will last only for two hours, but it was enough for him, it was more than enough for him to go there, to that person, it was enough time to ensure his beloved safety. That's why he can't rest not now, he doesn't have time to rest his thoughts were filled with only one name only one person.

'Lan Zhan.'

'What happened? How long was I asleep? Lan Zhan, where Is he? Is he okay? Is he alright?' Wei Wuxian was panicking. 'Oh god! I need to go, need to go to Lan Zhan, what if he is Injured and is in pain or worst, he...?'Wei Wuxian heart dropped, just the thought of it made him shiver. (Painfully.)

'Get it together Wei Ying.' He reassured himself. 'Breath yeah, I need to breath first.' He took in a deep breath and slowly took a step forward and this time the pain was in his back was unbearable. 'It's alright.' He once again reassured himself. 'Lan Zhan needs me more right now. I can definitely handle this after all. I have gone through worst.' (No, he hasn't.)

Wei Wuxian braced himself for the upcoming pain. He got ready as fast as possible without a care for his injuries and picked up is sword.

'I need to find Lan Zhan.' He walked towards the door and froze his thoughts running wild. 'Is Lan Zhan still ok?' Wei Wuxain knew about the incident at Nightless city. His blood ran cold. 'Did he lose??' 'What if everyone up there died? 'What happened to A-Yuan, Granny, Uncle four, Uncle six what should he do after all this is all his fault, because of him Lan Zhan come down the mountain because of him because of his selfish behaviour. Why did all come down to like this. Why, Just why?'

Wei Wuxian heart dropped, as he himself slowly dropped on his knees, clutching his chest and letting the tears freely flow down his face and droop on his black robes. 'Why did I pestered him, I always irritated him and he hated me and now, now Lan Zhan was in severe trouble because of him, how selfish of him, but what if he is there waiting for me waiting for me to pick him up and keep him safe yes I can at least hold on to this hope, even if it's kills me I will go.' He once again got up, aggressively wiping his tears off his face and without wasting any more time went straight to the door but before he could get to the door, the door slides opened revelling Jiang Yanil. She stood at the entrance of the door with a bowl of medical soup in her hands.

When Jiang Yanil slides the door open. She was not ready to see her brother walking around the room. She knew that they were liars, she just knew, her XianXian would definitely wake up but she didn't expect it to be so soon. Either way she was happy as long as her brother was okay.

Jiang Yanil slowly took in the image of her Didi standing in front of the door, Wei Wuxian's pale face was filled with worry and concern. His bloodshot eyes didn't go unnoticed, nor the pained expression. She can tell that her XianXian is in a lot of pain. She can see him struggling to even stand, but Jiang Yanil can see the determination in those bloodshot eyes. She knew he was in hurry to go. She knew where he was going, and what he is worried about. Jiang Yanil still can't forget the day when her A-Xian came back to Lotus pier covered in blood. She saw so much blood that day and then the punishment. She knew it was way too much, she felt sick when her brother was punished. She was so angry and helpless at the same time that day she felt helpless she couldn't even save her brother and she was angry, so much anger, not on A-Cheng, not on Second Young Master Lan, but on herself. She felt useless that day. But not now, she will keep him safe and protect him from everything, anything .She was determined to do so.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she felt a hand on her cheek, wiping away the tears that subconsciously fell.


Wei Wuxian's desperate voice bought her full attention back to him. Wei Wuxian face was paler than before, more worried and panicked.

"Why are you crying Shijie, please don't crying."

Jiang Yanil shock her head, she told. "They are tears of joy A-Xian." at her words Wei Wuxian relaxed a little. "A-Xian you are injured you need to lie down." Jiang Yanil took Wei Wuxian hand to guide him towards his bed. "Shijie I am alright." Wei Wuxian said.

Wei Wuxian glazed outside of his room and then hesitantly he asked. "Shijie how long was I asleep?" A pause. "What happened to Lan Zhan?"

His Shijie face was blank at first, then settled for a sad expression. Wei Wuxian knows that expression and he desperately Hope's that it's not what he thinks it is. Last time he saw that expression was when uncle Jiang and madam Yu died. As if for further confirmation of his thoughts, Jiang Yanil shook her head. Tears welled up in Wei Wuxian's eyes he took a step backwards. He didn't want to believe it. 'No, it can't happen. Lan Zhan is a strong cultivator.' He walked past her and heading outside of the room, he stood on his sword and headed in the direction of Yiling. He could hear his shijie calling for him but it could wait for now, he needs to be some were else, he needs to confirm it with his own eyes.

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