It's then a big bomb dropped on our head that Ragini wants to go for MBA. I was so much affected with her decision. Two years how will I stay without her. I was very upset. Bhai consoled me saying it's the matter of her career. I wanted to propose her as soon as I took over the company but this bomb made me silent. I requested bhai that I will also go along with her but bhai said no. He doesn't want me also to leave ma alone. I also thought about it and stayed back. But bhai appointed a bodyguard for my cutiepie which nobody except me and bhai knows. She never realised that she has been followed by a bodyguard. It was then Khushi has to leave her job because of the boss. He wasn't good. I told her not to even give interview to that company but she didn't listen to me. Finally she herself understood that he is not good and left the job. Later she herself came to me asking to suggest a good company. And without thinking for once I told her about AL. She applied to it not asking anything. I thought bhai will be happy and look after her but that guy just tortured her in name of work and to keep her near him all the time.

Khushi felt suffocated many times because of that. I spoke to bhai but he didn't listen to me. He made an agreement with her that she will work for one year mandatorily no matter what. She was falling week mentally and I always tried to cheer her as she also missed Ragini at that time. Ragini is innocent but she is strong mentally compared to Khushi. My Ragini is the best in everything. But she doesn't know atleast A of love. She is very innocent. I was very much scared that she will fell in love with someone there in Mumbai but happy that she didn't let any boy near her. Afterall she is my cutie pie. Everything went good.

My cutiepie gave interviews. I made sure that she gets job in my company but that girl is adamant to work in bhai's. Don't know what she saw in that company but not in mine. Khushi unknowingly tried to help me to get her in my company but that girl said no. I decided to think of a plan to get her to my company.

That day she came back. I couldn't help but get lost in her. I was excited to go with Khushi to get Ragini home. Khushi teased me so much for that. Khushi always keeps smiling but she is mentally weak but my girl shows her emotions and mentally strong. That day she cried so much hugging her sister. My heart was aching looking her. I wanted to hug her and console her. I pleaded Khushi to console her. Finally she smiled and that made my heart skip a beat. I kept stealing glances of her very frequently while driving. I want to keep staring her but I can't. I got caught once but my innocent kid didn't find it.

Like our routine I was exercising near my window expecting her to see me but no she didn't even open the window. I don't know why I felt uneasy. I tried to get the reason from Khushi but she also got nothing from her. It's finally the day bhai is going to propose Khushi. So he cancelled the leave he gave to her and she was crying badly. She wanted to spend time with Ragini on her birthday. I was consoling her when Ragini came out. She looked dull but as soon as her eyes fell on Khushi her eyes turned teary too. It pained me to see her like that. Khushi told her the reason and my cutiepie understood her just like that. My cutiepie consoled her and asked her to go. Khushi asked her to stay in our house as she couldn't leave Ragini alone. But my cutiepie didn't agree. I got upset but suddenly Khushi looked at me and I got what she wants. I agreed immediately. One whole day with my cutiepie all alone. There can be nothing more happiest to me than that.

She went to her room just like that leaving me alone in the hall. This is so mean cutiepie! I sat there waiting for the dinner time. I knocked the door and she opened the door. As soon as I saw her I was about to get lost in her those mesmerising eyes but immediately looked away and asked her for dinner. She pushed me angrily. I was shocked and confused that why she is angry. I pushed my thoughts away and went near the table. We had our dinner silently. She didn't look at me atleast once. I kept staring her all the time I was having my food. I felt sad seeing her ignoring me. I didn't like it. That is why I didn't let her go to watch TV which she said she is going to sleep. I know you more cutiepie.

Sister's Best Friend ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt