He smiled and slapped my cheek. I playfully frowned at him and made my way to his room.


I clicked his buttons together and handed him his pacifier. I grabbed my son, placing oil in his hair not a lot though. I grabbed some baby lotion and rubbed it on his hands, face, legs, and toes. "There we go bubba your all cleaned up" I kissed his cheek.

"Bae I'm ready!" Zakiyah came in the room with a black  Gucci shirt on, black shorts, white shoes, and Fendi socks. I smirked and laughed to myself. My baby can dress but when I comes to dressing with LJ, she difficult.

I grabbed LJ and walked down the stairs. I placed him in his stroller, that's by the door. I went into the kitchen and made him a bottle so. When I got back to the stroller I placed it in the cup holder. 'Ight babe, Lj's ready"

She yelled 'ok' back.

"LJ, what you getting from the mall?" I asked my beautiful beautiful son.

He blabbed at me and cooed. I kissed his fore head as Zakiyah came running down the stairs.

I put his socks on and kissed Zakiyah. "Ight, be safe"

She looked at me and plead for something. "Bae can I use your card?" She gave me some puppy dog eyes.

I reached in my pocket and handed her my card. I kissed my son's forehead before they left.

I watched them leave and LJ stare at me threw the door way. I went back to the room and carried my ass to sleep.


"Come on bubba, let's find your Auntie" I handed LJ his bottle and sat him up in the stroller.

"Zakiyah, Over here!" My big sister, Serenity called me.

I pushed the stroller over to her and took a seat. I grabbed LJ and placed him in my lap as he drunk his bottle.

"May I hold em?" My sister asked with a begging look in her eyes.

My baby looked at her and gave her his 'Stank Eye'.

"He might start crying, so just rock him" I handed her him while I order some French fries.

"Dammit" I heard Serenity say and I looked at LJ who was slapping Serenity. With that happening I grabbed him and placed him back in his stroller.

"I'm sorry 'bout that" I handed her a napkin since LJ spilled ketchup on her leather jacket.

I went back to the cashier and grabbed my food. I sat back down and grabbed the ketchup, giving it a squeeze ova my food.

"So baby sis, how have ya been?" My sister asked me and she ate her hot wings

"I've been good, helping LJ and Lartise" I showed her a picture. "Those my babies" I cooed .

I kissed Lj's cheek and handed him a fry. I smiled at my baby as he smiled back.

"Awh, y'all such a cute fam" she rubbed her hands together, to get the salt of them.

"While we're here, do you want to get your nails done?"

"Yeah, why not?

"Ok" I went up to the cashier and asked for a to-go plate. Once I got the plate I put my fries in it then placed the plate in the pocket on the stroller.

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