Some requests (rules/preferences)

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Here are some rules that I hope you follow. If you don't follow them then I'll probably grow bored and end the rp, but not always.

1. Please make the story line INTERESTING. Have some detail. If its just: they meet and fuck.

Then I'll refuse to do it. I love a glass of sweet lemon. But if there's no story line or plot then I'm out. It's far to bland for my taste without a reason for them to want to make love.

2. My terminology: I use plenty of kink names that you've probably never heard of. Don't know what it is? Please ask me to explain so that you're not in the dark. I promise that i won't mock you for not knowing adult terms.

3. AGE. YOU have to be at least eighteen in order to roleplay romantically with me. No ifs and or buts. If I know you are under eighteen and you ask? I'm blocking you. That's why this book is rated mature. So underaged kids don't try to ruin their innocence. 

4. Letting you know: if I don't do it with my lover, then I won't do it with you.

Examples of some kinks I'm willing to do:

THESE ARE NOT REQUIRED. I will gladly rp without any of the kinks you dont like them. If you don't like it, then I won't do it.

- toys (in line with teasing)

-felieto (misspelled, but my personal favorite, I prefer to give but my characters can be persuaded to receive.)

-predator/prey (the submissive acting or feeling like prey for the thrill of both the dom and the sub. The dom plays the predator. Often involves biting, chasing and pinning the sub as they pretend to fight, and a few... rough behaviors. ;)

-psuedo rape (consensual sex, but the submissive character pretending to struggle for thrill. Another personal favorite)

-dangerous or risky situations. (Has several meanings)

-Dub consensual (one partner is unsure of whether or not they should be accepting of the dominant's advances)

- polygamy (on occasion, I have to be in the mood for it, and at least one of the trio, often my character, is slightly aggressive and very assertive. Anything more than three is a no.) I don't do it with my boyfriend, but I'm willing to do it here.

-mating season (I absolutely love this, a sub with dubious consent and a dom blind with the lust and the desperation of the season. Or a sly sub seducing a not interested or partially intrested dom. I'm a furry. You know almost all furry's go nuts over these scenarios. It can involve a dom hunting and seducing his/her chosen sub. Possibly even having to restrain the sub to help convince them.)

-restraints (do I even have to explain? Handcuffs, ropes, or anything durable when lacking better materials. )

-teasing (in real life I absolutely love to tease my sub. So when I'm playing the dominant you better expect plenty of foreplay centered around the sub's needs. Recieving teasing? No thanks. If I'm the dom then I prefer to give. Only my submissive characters will indulge in recieving unless you somehow manage to persuade my dom, or engage in somophillia.)

-somophillia (absolutely love this. Sleep sex. Often the dom, or a shy but horny sub pleasing a sleeping partner. My favorite version? The sleeping partner wakes up during the middle of it but is enjoying themselves too much to make the somophilliac stop. Possible situation: A dom decides to rob a house and finds something he wants more than materialistic things? That's a perfect scenario for the robber to perform somophillia, and it sprinkles a bit of dubious consent if the victim of the robbery wakes up.)

-brainstorming (as much as I love writing up ideas, I'd love to hear you're opinions on what the scenario should be or have. This isn't a kink but it makes a great roleplay partner. )

-pleasured noises (perfect way to let the dom know you're havin' fun. My dom character finds these moans, whines, whimpers, screams, and grunts very erotic.)

-fighting for dominance, (not physical fighting, but two doms, each trying to force the other to be submissive.)

Yeah. I do weird shit. But he fucking loves it.

5. No means NO. If I don't like the kink, then don't push or nag me about it. Some things I WON'T DO:

Vore, filth, feet, actual rape of characters (messes with my PTSD), necrophilia, and a few others.

6. Don't ask me if you can cum. We all know what some people do when cowriting a lemon. I enjoy the characters asking but DONT do this: (example: feliteao scenario, using blueberry muffins, my submissive playing the quiet game.)

Blue accidentally let another soft moan escape his lips, finally nearing his edge with each rough lick causing an instinctive buck of his hips, and despite it being only his second time receiving a teasing tongue he had suprising stamina, having held out for several minutes already. The chinchilla was far better with his defiance now than their previous experience the night before. He bit back another pleasured whimper. (Hey, can I cum?)

What went wrong here? The description and response length were absolutely perfect. But the "can I cum" ruined it for me. Nope. I hate that shit. PLEASE don't ask me that. Its creepy as fuck when a stranger does it and I only let my lover ask me that for intimacy reasons.

7. NO EXTREME AGEPLAY. All characters engaging in sexual acts must be at least SEVENTEEN. That's the legal age of consent in texas (where I live). So anything under 17? Nope. Sorry. They can act like a child (LB or LG) but they can't be a child. If Ask me to have a dubious consent scenario with anyone sixteen or younger, you're getting blocked. I have tainted childhood memories and I don't want you reminding me of them by trying to get me to have my character sleep with a child. Suggest a character under 13? I'm reporting you to wattpad. No exceptions. You can be my best friend on here. I'll still report your ass for pedophilia.

8. I will NOT do fxf. I will only do mxm or mxf. Not my thing, sorry. I don't play as female characters. 

9. Please try to be descriptive.  At least three complete sentences to keep my attention and assure me that you're interested in the scenario. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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