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-Thalia's POV:  Ok, today's your first day. Don't mess up, whatever you do just act normal, don't make direct eye contact and at least try to make friends, what can go wrong? you can do this Thalia, or so I thought... I got to class but ended up being late because I was freaking lost when I was supposed to have a guide to help me round' but I guess he/she bailed on me, UGH! Anyways, I finally made my way to class (English) And I wanted the floor to swallow me whole when the entire class went quiet just to look at me. I could hear some giggles here and there but most of them, especially the guys, were staring at me with half their mouth open enough for a fly to get in😏.

I just shook it off and to save myself from embarrassment, I quickly got to my seat and pulled out my resources out for the lesson. But the students kept looking at me in confusion, but then I had to continue with the lesson. However, I had forgotten to introduce myself as I am a new student. At this point, I just feel like dying on the spot right now!!!

* "Um-mm, h-i everyone my name is Thalia Grace, I'm 17 and I have just recently moved with my dad  from my um previous school." 

-And as I talk in front of the class, I see the most beautiful human being that could ever exist, that's how I met you, Noah Bryce, I know you may think that it sounds cringe, but seeing this guy in my class just made me stutter a hell of a lot, which embarrassed me even more. Ugh! You were wearing this leather jacket, with the most perfectly cut hair but it looks effortless if you know what I mean. And you were slouched back in his seat with one hand on your girlfriend who proceeded to laugh with her friends. You are the gaze which somehow put me in a trance causing me to momentarily blank out. To me, you were the only person in the class at the moment, have we met before? like in some alternate universe that has somehow brought us together at this moment in time, but that all ended when the teacher instructed me to get back to my seat so he could calm the class down and carry on with the lesson. Ugh! Could this day get any worse for me?

*(You can imagine how Noah Bryce looks like but here are some images to give you an idea of what he wears and some features of his )




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This could be or is his eyes (idk you decide if you want it to be green or blue):

I hope you have enjoyed this bit so far and yes I am improvising as I go along so It takes some time and I hope to see where this will take me in the future when creating this story

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I hope you have enjoyed this bit so far and yes I am improvising as I go along so It takes some time and I hope to see where this will take me in the future when creating this story... 

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