"Shit Nikki I had no idea you liked Indian?" Rick asked Nicole that question when they both arrived at the old Indian restaurant that was in Nicole's home town the staff the worked there and the customers recognized Nicole right away

"My parents loved coming to this place, used to be regulars and I become one, this  is one of the old parts of town that almost hidden from the newer buildings and the new highways. Unless you've been here before it's hard to find." As Nicole was talking she walked to the front

"Hi Krista nice to see ya again."

"It's great to see you again too Nicole. Will it be the usual?" Was what the girl at the register question her and she answered her

"Make it twenty and vegan I got a party and don't go shy on and naan." When her order was placed Nicole looked at Rick

"I'm happy I can afford all of this. It's worth the price." After Nicole paid she did take a few selfies with her and Rick, along with some of the staff members promoting the location. With a fifteen minute wait Nicole at her order in which lead to six large brown bags and Rick did help her carry some of them for her, upon coming back to her place she announcing about having Indian and whole much on naan that all her friends started to go crazy in thanking her for getting it for them. However Nicole was a little surprise see that Rick wanted to stick around a little longer, another thing Nicole made sure to do was inform her manager about how many was in her party for the limbos to show up and at what time. 

All of Nicole's friends finished eating within an hour before getting ready for the movie premier and Rick did end up leaving. Everyone had there own different type of style that Nicole loved about that even her closest friend Keisha picked something only she would pull off a lot of Nicole's friends had colorful hair types and piercings on there noses and lips, Nicole wanted to dress as herself and wanted to stand out as well. She ended up picking a Chinese style lolita dress and she even had her hair in the two type of buns that are women normal wore in there hair. Along with having the right dark type of makeup for the look.

Nicole made sure to keep her phone on her in her purse, she even did some selfie picture of herself in her outfit before she took pictures with her friends and she even did a live video chat about going to the movie premier, she also thanked her f...

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Nicole made sure to keep her phone on her in her purse, she even did some selfie picture of herself in her outfit before she took pictures with her friends and she even did a live video chat about going to the movie premier, she also thanked her followers and her news one for reaching another million followers and subscribers before signing off.

The smith family did show up at Nicole's place all dressed up for the movie premier, Summer was very excited seeing Nicole's friends as was Morty since he had met some of them before.

"Wow Nicole you look beautiful, it's a good look for you."Beth said that to Nicole seeing her outfit and Nicole thanked her, Nicole did warn Jerry about thinking before speaking with some of her friends since a large number of them where part of the LGBTQ community, he promised her that he would be on his best behavior and he'd learn his lesson with the people likes being around with along with her family. Not long after that talk the limbos had shown up and everyone was heading outside before Nicole went outside Rick stopped her by grabbed her hand 

"Rick?" Was what she said to him and he smiled hearing his name coming from her

"My daughter is right, you look very beautiful in that dress." Nicole couldn't help but feel like something was a little different about Rick, even during the car ride Rick wanted to ride with Nicole but she was surprised that Rick rode with his family rather than her and her friends. During the ride at the premier Nicole told her friends that didn't know about Rick in person everything that had been happening with her, Keisha also told her side of the story as well. The rest of Nicole's friends where very worried about her and they knew how dangerous Rick was and knew better not to confront him, Keisha and Nicole ended up explain scenario M.D.Y to them since they where a part of it as much as Keisha was. What they didn't know was that the driver that was listening was a Rick from the Citadel, himself along with several other Rick's where assigned to bring Nicole to the Citadel after her movie before Rick C-137 made his moves.

Things started going pretty well as the actors made there way to the red carpet that was located in Washington the photographers and paparazzi where going nuts like normal with the actors, actresses and movie producers. But when Nicole's limbo came and she stepped out the camera where even going more crazy as she and her friends came out and started walking forward, Nicole was nervous since she never pictured herself walking down the red carpet for her own movie. Before the movie started there was still the guests that where arriving that had an invite with one of them being the smith family that sat close with Nicole and her party, in the crowd of people that where being seated several Rick's wearing different disguises where in the mix including there president that wanted to watch Nicole's movie. 

The movie itself matched the time of the original Perfect Blue, Nicole couldn't help but noticed her friend on the edge of there seats watching the same the Smith family including Rick. She could tell that he was impressed by her acting skills and the same with his grand kids that thought the same thing, over an hour later after the movie ended everyone was applauding and her friends where so proud of Nicole for her great work for her first movie. 

Of course after the movie there was the after party, before it started Nicole's manager had set up the small stage for Nicole's performance. During the party Nicole's friend where talking with some of the actors from her movie and even the original voice actors  and the smith family mostly summer was taking selfie pictures with some of the celebrities that where attending, for Rick he noticed he didn't see Nicole and was getting worried. But the worry ended when Nicole had appeared at the small stage using the trap door that was under the stage that got everyone's attention, she announced to everyone that was attending and thanked the actors and directors for the hard work in remaking Perfect Blue. To really thank them for there hard work and to everyone support she had a special performance for everyone, once the light dimmed down and the spot light turn on down her a lot of people got out there phones and started recording as soon as the music started playing. She did her second song first that she wrote, then once she finished she sang her first song that used in the movie

The second after Nicole finished singing and the music stopped when the lights turned back on, the entire room started cheering for Nicole before she even took a bow to everyone. Upon coming of the stage Nicole's friends did talk with her about how good she was and loved her songs, they weren't the only ones a lot of people loved her performance. As they where talking to her Nicole thought back at when she was on stage about seeing two Morty's with one being with his family and the other far away from them mixed in with the crowd  like he didn't want to be noticed, not only did she see another Morty but several other Rick's that where scattered across the room still far away from the Smith family to not see or notice them.

When Midnight came around and a lot of her friend had drank, including Nicole that had a little too many but still wasn't as drunk as her friends. During the time everyone was started to leave just before Nicole left with her friends someone had grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth and that person quickly left the room without anyone noticing Nicole's struggles, before Nicole saw who it was she ended up passing out. 

Pursuit of an internet star ( Yandere Rick/ OC/ Evil Morty)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें