"Delicate" part 1

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You sat in the backseat of Colby's car, Sam and Colby in the front. You were on your way to an allegedly haunted hotel to record a video for Colby's channel, nothing too special. It was late and you had already been driving for an hour, you ignored the music and conversation and stared out the window at the stars until you drifted off to sleep.


"Dude, this song sucks ass," Colby said.

"What? Come on, man, I like this song," Sam replied.

"Fine, we'll take a vote. y/n what do you think? Do we skip this song or do you want me to suffer?"

There was no response.

"She hasn't said anything in a while," Sam said in a quieter voice, reaching to turn the volume down.

Colby took his eyes off the road a second to look back at you. Your eyes were closed and your head tilted back.

"I think she's asleep," Colby whispered. "I've never had a girl fall asleep in my car before, what do we do? If it was one of the guys I'd prank them."

"Nothing, just let her sleep. We'll wake her up when we get there," Sam laughed quietly.

"But like I don't want to bother her. What if I'm too loud trying to wake her up and I scare her? Or what if talking doesn't wake her up and I have to shake her shoulder or something and I accidentally hurt her or scare her? She can be like... kind of delicate," Colby rambled on.

Sam laughed again. "I know y/n's quiet and sweet, but she's not a toddler afraid of the dark."

"I know, but like I've noticed she seems to startle easily sometimes and she gets quiet whenever someone raises their voice," Colby replied.

"What's up with you two? Did you ask her out?" Sam joked.

"Dude, no. I don't... I don't know."


You woke up to Sam and Colby whispering. You kept your eyes closed and didn't move. You heard Colby call you delicate and got kind of offended even though you knew he was right. You hated when people said that about you. At least Sam called you sweet, that was a good thing. You always tried to be nicer than others were to you, you wouldn't want them to feel how you felt. You overheard Sam joking about Colby asking you out before you fell back asleep.


After parking in the quiet hotel parking lot, Sam and Colby got out of the car. Colby opened the back door.

"y/n," Colby whispered quietly.

"That's not going to wake her up," Sam said.

"y/n," Colby repeated at normal volume in a soothing tone. He reached out his hand and gently placed it on your shoulder, shaking you slightly.

His touch quickly woke you up and you flinched.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but we're here," Colby said, quickly taking his hand away.

You felt your face get hot, you were embarrassed that you flinched. "Don't apologize, I just startle easily. Sorry I fell asleep."

You got out of the car and Colby closed the door behind you. You shivered as Sam started grabbing your guys' bags. "Are you cold?" Colby asked. He rubbed his warm hands on your arms for a few seconds before grabbing his bag and your bag from Sam. "I'll carry yours, y/n."

"No thanks," you replied. "I can carry it." (You're like part of the friend group so this next part makes sense) You wanted them to see you as independent and strong, not delicate and quiet even though you knew you often acted that way as well.

You grabbed your bag from Colby as Sam whispered mockingly to Colby "Wow, so delicate."

Part 2 coming soon ✌️

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