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Lee Felix
A handsome man of 19yrs, cold, creepy and full of mystery

Shin Ryujin
Sweet girl 18 yrs old, innocent, shy, and timid


Shin Ryujin who is often called Ryujin is a transfer student from Japan. Ryujin is known for being friendly and innocent.
This beautiful and cute girl just sat in 11th grade of high school

One day, Ryujin walked through she's new school alone, exploring every place in this school. She was very pleased and amazed at the completeness of her school facilities

until one place she had not yet visited.

Behind the school

What friends say belongs to someone who is the most feared in this school. even they expressly forbade him to go there. The area was claimed by Lee Felix and no one was allowed to enter..

But Ryujin curiously stepped closer to that place. when she got there she saw a room with the door slightly open.

Without realizing she entered ignoring the blood red writing wall near the door.

red ink that reads
"Entering means dead"

Srry for my bad English...
The next part is tomorrow, if I'm not busy guys
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Happy Reading💗

My pshycopath boyfriend (Lee Felix) (English Language)Where stories live. Discover now