Chapter 2: Sense of Nature

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Kyojuro's POV

Father had gone drinking with his friends again. My younger brother was the only one guarding the house while I was helping out an elder. Setting down the man's luggage, he wanted to pay me with cash in exchange of helping him with his belongings. But as a hashira, I neglected his offer since it was really my job to help those who are in need.

"There's no need for that sir, I'm just merely doing my job!"

The elder looked at me with his half opened eyes, "Are you sure young man? You did carry all my heavy luggage all the way to my house."

I smiled reassuringly, "I'm sure of it."

He smiled a little and kept his money. Before he could enter his house I opened my mouth to speak.

"Please don't work out yourself too much sir," I reminded him and started walking back to my home. The bright sun was setting down slowly to the horizon. It's another night for me to go patrolling in search for demons. While the sun was going down, an interesting coincidence happened. (Y/n) was running quickly as she headed to my direction.

"Hi Rengoku-san!" she momentarily spun herself to me then went to her house. I understood she had to head back home because of the curfew that her foster mother made. An hour passed and the moon was at the apex of the evening sky. Nothing strange happened yet as I roamed around the outskirts of town. A few people were outside drinking alcohol and they didn't look sober to go home.

"Excuse me for intruding you all from your drinking session, but I'm afraid you all need to go home," I tried convincing them through sincere talking but none of them budged from their seats and decided to ignore me. Sighing, I cleared my throat and spoke again.

"Ha! Who are you to order us around? Are you my father or something?" one drunk guy mocked. His comrades laughed with him and the sound of their laughter was too loud it probably reached from a mile.

"Gentlemen, if you're gonna continue drinking I have no choice but to confiscate your alcoholic drinks," I warned. This triggered them as they stood up and faced me.

"You better get the f*ck outta our territory boy..." a man with long hair took out a broken shard. He wasn't stable enough to stand straight and it's clearly unsafe for him to hold something so sharp. Due to my concern, I rushed up to him and carefully took the shard from his hand.

"The f*ck?!" he looked at me in confusion.

I quickly disposed of the shard and looked at the men, "It's not safe to stay up all night. Demons are lurking in the shadows and there might be a chance you all won't make it till sunrise."

"Demons?! HELL they don't exist boy. What are you 10?!" a bald man angrily stated. Of course it was natural for most people to believe that demons don't exist...

"They do exist sir. They're all just smart enough to hide themselves so they can spy and kill their prey," I replied.

"Fuh! DEMONS MY ASS LET'S GET OUT OF HERE. THIS GUY IS A KILLJOY," the bald guy and his comrades walked away, fuming in anger.

'At least I convinced them to go...' I kept my guard up when I sensed something watching me from behind. I did not draw out my sword, for this feeling I have is telling me that the creature is harmless. 

(Y/n)'s POV

"Dinner is served!" Tsuki and I both said together. I helped mother and her in cooking up for my foster siblings. Today's meal was soba, onigiri, and an assortment fruits. Miss Akari wanted us all to eat the fruits since the harvest was good. She had been planting seeds to grow different trees in her garden and because she took very good care of them she got the reward she deserved.

"Finally!" (S/n) had her chopsticks in both hands. She was eager to eat all of the (favorite fruit) today. She clearly has an obsession with fruits but not towards vegetables. We silently prayed to the gods for the food they have given to us before consuming the it all.

"(Y/n)..." Miss Akari softly spoke.

I swallowed my food, "Yes mother?"

"How did your job go?" she questioned with a calm smile.

"I didn't start my job yet but the Takashi family showed me the parts of their house. They also assigned me some tasks in advance so I wouldn't have to worry about working tomorrow," I picked up a medium amount of rice with my chopsticks then proceeded to devour all of it.

"Neesan is going out tomorrow?" I saw my little sister pout. I remembered that I forgot to tell her about my job. She hates it when I leave her and she'd even throw a fit just to make me stay.

"Yes (s/n) I'm going to work tomorrow. Don't worry I won't take long!" I ensured, "Besides, I'm doing this to give you more (favorite food)."

"You promise you won't take long?" she stared at me with her big innocent eyes. I replied to her with a sincere nod.

"Hey (y/n) neesan please bring us yakitori when you get home!" my little adoptive brother said.

"Don't forget the udon too!"

"Give us tea!"

"I want a rock."

All my adoptive siblings were on a riot. I was sweating at how demanding they were just because I'm about to start my very first job. If it wasn't for my foster mother stopping all my siblings, I would have gone broke.

I listed all the things that they wanted me to buy. I wouldn't forget to ask miss Akari but she politely declined on my offer. Nevertheless, I decided to buy a new batch of tea for her. Dinner was over quickly and everyone was cleaning their own dishes.

"Children, time to go to bed," miss Akari reminded. We were too busy horsing around after dinner that we forgot to sleep.

I managed to tuck everyone to bed, including my hyperactive sister. Now it was my time to get some rest. Crawling to my futon, I sank my face to my pillow in exhaustion.

'Tomorrow is a new day,' I thought to myself.

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