Chapter One

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"That's sweet," you cooed softly. "I wish that would happen with me and Hayden."

"Gross, you're still into that guy?" peter asked in disgust. You snapped your eyes toward the brown-haired boy. "Hayden is such a self-centered jerk [Y/N]."

"No he isn't," you defended instantly. "he has a soft heart, which means he's super sweet."

"Tell that to the boys who he constantly bullies in the hallways," peter retorted with an eye roll. "you could do way better than Hayden."

"Like who?"

     Peter opened his mouth to respond, but an abrupt explosion sounded off from upstairs, alarming all three of you. You and Peter shot up out of your seats and trailed behind Steve as he rushed out of the room and up the stairs.

"What the hell was that sound?!" steve shouted up the stairs, soon seeing a cloud of smoke travel down the stairs. "Banner! What the hell did you do!"

"Why is it always me being blamed for the explosions?" bruce angrily protested, walking out of the black smoke and down the stairs. He looked completely untouched. "This disaster was all Tony."

     Steve groaned in frustration and jogged his way to where Tony was, with you and Peter right behind him. The rough coughing was what led you all to find out where Tony was located. As you reached him, it was nothing but obvious that he really was the person who caused the explosion. Steve commanded you and Peter to open the windows to air out the place while he took Tony down stairs to patch him up.

     You and Peter ran different directions, doing as Steve instructed. Once all the windows were open, you walked back to Peter and looked around the lab as the room started to clear up. Peter placed his hands on his hips as he stared at the gadgets.

"Bruce really has a ton of interesting things up here," peter commented, a sudden reflection immediately caught his eye. He looked to the side and saw an interesting gadget casually placed on one of the metal topped tables. "what's that over there?"

"Wait Peter," you warned, gripping onto his wrist. Peter paused and twisted to look at you. "I'm sure Bruce doesn't want us touching his things up here."

"Well, good thing Bruce isn't here to tell us that."

     Peter ripped his wrist out of your grasp and continued to approach the device. You gave in and followed him. When you reached him, he was looking at the device from different angles, trying to find out what it was.

"What do you think it is?" peter asked, continuing to rotate it carelessly. "Ten bucks it's a small time machine."

"A time machine?" you scoffed in disbelief. "We're pretty high tech here, but I'm certain we're not that high tech." you said. Peter pointed it to you, causing you to jump. "Peter! Don't point that at me!"

"Why?" peter grinned, his finger playfully hovering over the big red button. "Are you afraid I'm going to send you back in time?"

"No, I'm scared you're going to disintegrate me," you declared in annoyance. "you don't know what that thing does, and I'm sure as hell not going to be the to experience it."

"Lame," peter sighed in disappointment. "I think it would be cool if we got sent back in time of when Steve used to be in high school. You know? I bet if we changed how he lived back than, he would be different today." peter thought out loud. His eyes glanced back down at the device. "Hey, little gadget thingy, why don't you send me and [Y/N] back to when Steve Rogers was in high school?"

     The device began vibrating, startling Peter and making him toss it back onto the table. Your eyes went wide as you saw that the device it had fallen straight onto the big red button, activating sparks and electricity. In an blink of an eye, the line of electricity came shooting out at the two best friends. It also took out the lights as soon as it zapped the two teenagers.

     Steve perked up as the lights abruptly went off downstairs, causing confusion within him and the rest of the team members in the room. He stood up from the process of patching Tony up and faced the stairs.

"[Y/N]! PETER! WHAT DID YOU DO!" steve screamed up the stairs, accusing them straight away. As he got no response, Steve sighed impatiently and started making his way up the stairs. "I swear if you guys touched any of Bruce's things," he mumbled, finally reaching the top of the stairs. "Peter! [Y/N]! I know you two are in here!"

     The lights all of a sudden flicker back on, and a "you're welcome!" yell came from Thor from downstairs. Steve narrowed his eyes to see a room of complete emptiness.

"Peter? [Y/N]?" steve asked loudly. "Now where did those kids go?"

     The same device that caught Peter's eyes also captured the attention of Steve. He walked up to the device and picked it up.

"Get your hands off that device!" the voice of Bruce yelled from behind Steve, surprising him. Steve swiftly put it back down. "That's my little time machine device. If you tell it where you want to go and press the red button, it takes you exactly where you tell it to go." bruce explained, approaching Steve. "You don't even need a specific year or anything, all you have to say is something like "Take me back when Tony Stark was a baby" and the device will be able to calculate it. You than press the button and than boom! You're there. Pretty neat, huh?"

"Where's [Y/N] and Peter?" steve asked, ignoring his explanation. Bruce shrugged. "You didn't see them come down stairs or anything?"

"No, I don't think I did," bruce said, now scratching his head. "I saw them before the lights went out, other than that, I don't know where they are."

Steve's eyes enlarged. "Bruce...I think [Y/N] and Peter sent themselves back in time."

Bruce chuckled. "Why would they send themselves back in time? Where would they possibly want to go in the past?"

"High school."

"High school?" bruce echoed in bewilderment. "Aren't they both already in high school?"

"No Bruce," steve shook his head. "back to when I was in high school."

"Okay okay, I think we might be overthinking this process a little bit," bruce said, trying to calm Steve down. Bruce picked up the device and turned it around, seeing that one out of the three batteries was missing. Bruce inhaled sharply. "Well shoot. It seems that they did send themselves back in time."



Thanks for giving this book a chance, it honestly means the absolute world to me. I've had this idea on my mind for a while and I just decided to write it out.

I hope that you guys will be able to stick with me throughout this journey, and if not, thanks for the read anyways.

Updates will be every Saturday.

I love you all 3000 <3

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