Dive For It | Part one.

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The short male glanced across the gym, seeing the others already warming up.
"Noya, you're late again." Suga called out to him, a caring smile on his face. "What's the excuse this time?"
"You know I always walk with Asahi." Nishinoya complained, setting his bag down. "I waited, but he never showed up." He jogged over to the others, Suga eyeing him up and down.
"Where's Asahi, then?"
"If I knew, I would have said where he was." Nishinoya snapped, although he knew Sugawara was only looking out for the missing male.
"It's okay, Noya-senpai. He'll come." Hinata patted his back, making the brunette perk up a little. He supposed Hinata was right, and there was nothing to worry about.
"Okay then," Daichi started. "We'll start without him."

Nishinoya positioned himself, on the other side of the net. He faced Kageyama and Hinata. The two had wanted to practice their quick strike, and Noya had decided he should try and receive it. It was good practice for all of them, according to Daichi. The brunette narrowed his eyes, waiting for the other two to begin the attack. As soon as the ball was set, it was hit down to Nishinoya's side with great force. The male dived to stop the ball from touching the ground, but failed.
"I was close. Again!" He ordered, huffing as he stood back up. Again, the two preformed the quick attack, and again, Nishinoya failed to receive. They had repeated this a few times, before taking a break.
"Maybe try and aim it to other spot on the court too, Hinata." Daichi suggested, which the ginger nodded his head in response.
"Okay, one more time. Then we can do something else." Kageyama grabbed the ball, looking over at the two shorter males. Nishinoya walked over to his side of the court once more, getting into the receiving position for the fifteenth time this practice.
'I need to get this one.' Nishinoya thought to himself, smiling slightly. It was fun to try and receive such a different quick attack. With a small tap echoing throughout the court, the ball was in the air, right in front of Hinata's hand. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The ball was hurling towards the floor, causing Nishinoya to dive to the ground again. His eyes brightened.
'I've got it this ti–'  The sound of the door being slammed open made Nishinoya glance over, losing sight of the ball. The ball hit the floor, inches away from his hand and bounced away pathetically. He hit the ground, missing the ball. Anger swelled up inside of the short male, causing him to whip his head around to the unexpected guest. It was the one and only Asahi Azumane.

"Look who's finally here." Suga mused, grinning. Nishinoya narrowed his eyes in annoyance. Asahi had clearly distracted him by being late, making him miss the ball. But, Noya knew better than to blame someone else for his mistakes. Even though it wasn't his mistake.
"Where were you? I was waiting." Nishinoya stood up, brushing off his shirt.
"Heh, sorry. I got caught up in things, I guess." Asahi rubbed the back of his neck, a nervous smile displaying itself on his features. It was nothing new, the tall male was usually nervous. But the fact that he couldn't even give a straight answer angered Noya.
"Oi, next time you're this late, you might as well not come at all." The brunette hissed at Asahi, picking up the ball and tossing it back to Kageyama. Asahi nodded in response, a small chuckle leaving his mouth.

As soon as Nishinoya knew it, practice was over. He plopped onto the bench, taking a swift sip of his water. Asahi walked over to him, sitting down next to the clearly shorter male.
"Hey, good job." Nishinoya nudged Asahi teasingly, grinning. He could never stay mad at Asahi for long. The latter laughed, nodding in response. "You too."
"So, are we walking home together, or what? Are you too 'caught up in things'?" The tone in his voice was a little bitter, considering the short answers he was getting.
"Yeah. I'd never miss a chance to walk home with you, o' tall one." Asahi pretended to bow, making Noya smile. The two grabbed their bags, waving to Daichi and Sugawara.
"See you tomorrow." Asahi called.
"On time, please!" Daichi's voice reminded.
Nishinoya pushes the door open, glancing behind him at Asahi.

"Now, what were you really doing?" He huffed, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"I didn't get any sleep last night. I figured I could take a quick nap before practice, but I accidentally slept-" Asahi explained.
"You went home to sleep?" Noya tilted his head in confusion.
"No, I just went into a random club room. It was empty."
"Oh." Nishinoya stared at the ground, a comfortable silence falling over the two.

Nishinoya stopped, glancing up at Asahi.
"Okay, see you tomorrow." He smiled, waving a bit at the other. "Get some sleep. I'll make sure to remind you."
"Alright. See you, shorty."
"Pfft." Nishinoya gave Asahi a playful shove, watching him walk up to his house. As soon as Asahi had disappeared into the house, Nishinoya walked away, a bit slower than they had been going before. Asahi's house came up before Noya's, letting the short male get some time to think. Whatever was keeping Asahi up at night had better stop. Nishinoya was sure it was schoolwork, but if it was anything else he'd be sure to make it stop.

The male came up to his house, using his key to open the door and step inside. His mother greeted him, and they told each other about their days. Nishinoya eventually had to catch up on work, so he bid his mother goodbye and ambled to his room. Instead of doing the work, he flopped onto his bed and sighed.

Time skip.

'Asahi should go to bed. So should I.' Nishinoya thought upon looking at his alarm clock. 10:49. The male swiftly grabbed his phone, clicking on Asahi's contact.

Noya: hey, you should get some sleep.

Asahi: I know.

Noya: goodnight!

Asahi: Goodnight bub.


Author's note:

Hey! Thanks for reading, it means the world to me. I'll probably add more parts randomly, but sooner than later. This took me so long- and it's only a little above 1k words hhhhh-

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