A Rat in a Nest

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He stopped when he saw the other two.

He straightened, his face smoothing over coolly as he suddenly stopped excluding his sweet omegan scent.

"And who's this?" He asked coldly.

Harry kissed him on the forehead. "My dad and my godmother."

Tom huffed, before beckoning them to his study. There, he snapped his fingers and asked a house elf to make some tea.

They came back with a teapot of Darjeeling tea. Tom didn't say a word as the elevenses were devoured in seconds.

"... would you like more?" he asked after they finished scarfing it down.

Lily and James both gave apologetic expressions, but James answered for them both. "Yes, please."

After he ordered some more, Harry started to talk. "So, what did Dumbledore do to you?"

"He kept us in a cage and tortured us. Sometimes, he forced us to fight and other times he would starve us until we would pass out. He used us for experiments, kept as punching bags and sometimes just imperioed us to do things." James said in a low voice.

Lily grit her teeth while Tom hissed, muttering, "That prat, how dare he do such a thing!"

"How did he capture you?"

"The night before Voldemort tried to kill us, he sent us a letter asking to meet him at a house in Godric's Hollow. He told me to bring you, and well, you know what happens next."

Harry felt a little numb. "Then Voldemort tried to kill you."

They were silent as James cast a cautious stare towards him and Tom. "Are you really my son? Why do you look... like that?"

Tom looked him up and down appreciatively. "I... would like to know as well."

Harry smirked. "You'll see what's under my clothes soon, bunny."

"B-Bunny?!" Tom spluttered, but Harry ignored him.

He explained his life story and what happened to him. "And that's what happened. This is my real form."

James was shocked. "You're my son... Where's Sev? What happened to him?"

"Sev?" Lily echoed, looking up from her sandwich.

"Mom died because of..."

Tom didn't stiffen up or anything, he continued to sit normally, as if he wasn't the one to kill Severus because he had betrayed him for Harry.

Harry didn't know what to feel when he remembered that.

Although Tom hasn't been the one to kill him directly, he was the one who directed a mentally unstable Death Eater to kill Severus.

"... an accident with an insane Death Eater."

James and Lily's face darkened.

"That damn Voldemort!" James muttered.

There was a moment of silence as they absorbed the new information.

Lily was still staring at Tom. "Harry, is that your mate?"

Harry grinned. "Yep! Isn't he just lovely?"

Tom gave a small quirk of his lips. "My name is Tom. It's a pleasure to meet Harry's family."

James grinned. "Damn! My son got himself a well-mannered omega, huh! Just what a Potter needs: a person with a good head on their shoulders to watch over us!"

"D-dad..." Harry said in embarrassment as Tom smirked.

"It is no problem. My idiot alpha can be taken care of." Tom said. His fingers were clasped in his lap and looking at him, he really did look cultivated.

Lily smiled. "It's good that Harry has a very capable mate. What was your name again?"

"Tom. Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"Well. That's a very nice name—— wait what?! Marvolo Riddle?! You're Voldemort?!"

Tom blinked. "Oh. You realized."



Ginny knocked on the door.

Dumbledore allowed her inside, his grandfatherly expression on.

"Ginny, my dear, what do you need?"

"P-professor, do you know what happened yesterday?"

"No...? I'm afraid not." He said.

In reality, he was watching her even closer. How did she notice what had happened?

He could barely remember himself.

"Well, you came in with Harry's parents, but then everyone started to make a fuss, and then Harry had big wings and he took his parents away. No one remembers what happened but me."

Dumbledore froze. Then he smiled a little wider. "Thank you, Ginny, for telling me this. You are a very good child, for being so concerned. I will take care of what happened."

Ginny smiled. "Yes sir!"

She left, and Dumbledore stood up, looking through the books that lined his walls.

He muttered each title, before he stopped.

"Ah.... here it is. 'Book 3: Trapping and Controlling Holy Creatures'."

Dumbledore grinned darkly and got to work.

Beautiful Storms to Come (Complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora