“Okay, now if I am ever going to believe you you’re going to have to bring me to where Luke is.” She nodded then motioned for me to come with her. I stepped on the tile that she was on and a panel came out with a place to read her fingerprint. She placed her finger on the reading thingy and the tile we were on jerked forward about to crash the wall. Before I could scream we shot straight through the wall. We were outside now there was a kind of training facility thing. There were people shooting guns at targets, climbing trees, and even fighting each other. Then I saw Luke I ran towards him and hugged him. I looked him in the eyes and said, “I honestly wouldn’t ever know what to do without you.” He smiled and said, “I wouldn’t have a need to go on.” I hugged him again. Clara came up behind us and said, “Okay, now that that’s over with we can get down to business you were the last people collected that we need and that’s because you really don’t need that much training you’re pretty good fighters already from what we observed.”

            Luke nodded and then said, “We are only good fighters because we were forced to be. We still don’t know if we even want to be part of this (he gestured to everything around us).” Clara took a step towards him as if to create a point and said, “I’m 100% sure you’ll want to be. Now both of you follow me. We are going to do one thing for training for both of you.” We did what she said reluctantly and followed her. She led us back inside into a room with two big chairs. She then gestured for us to sit. Luke and I both sat in one of the chairs and looked at each other wondering what would come next. At that moment straps came out of the chairs to strap both our hands and legs to the chair. I yelled, “What is this?! This is definitely not winning our trust.” I turned to Luke with panic written all over my face. He struggled against the straps and I copied him trying with all my might to escape.

            We had both come way to far to end up like this. Clara then turned to both of and said, “Don’t worry the straps are just a precaution for the training. I hope you two aren’t afraid of needles.” As she said that she pulled a huge syringe off the desk behind her. I struggled against the straps frantically desperately trying to escape. She pulled out a cotton swab and put rubbing alcohol on it and stepped towards Luke. I screamed, “Stop please! What do you want I’ll do anything?!” I looked at Luke and he looked back at me trying to hide the panic he was feeling, but I could see right through him. He said to me, “Don’t worry Alice. I’ll be fine and so will you.” Clara was ignoring both of us and pulled up Luke’s long sleeve grey shirt and rubbed the alcohol on his arm. She then started to stick the needle into his arm. He winced. After she was done injecting the blue liquid into his arm he went limp. I yelled, “Luke!”

            She then went back to the table and grabbed the next syringe, the cotton swab, and the rubbing alcohol.  She walked over to me. My wrists were rubbed raw by this point trying to escape and they were killing me, but I continued to struggle. I didn’t know if Luke was okay or not and I didn’t know what the hell she was going to inject me with. I knew it was pointless so I gave up struggling. She came over to me and rubbed the alcohol on my arm. She stuck the needle into my arm. I almost screamed it hurt so badly, but I didn’t care anymore all I knew was that I needed to prepare myself for what was going to happen to me. She took the syringe out of my arm and I struggled against the darkness that was seeping into my vision. I kept forcing my eyes to stay open and kept thinking about….



I woke up immediately thinking about Alice. Where was she and was she going to be okay? Then I started to look around and noticed that I couldn’t even see the difference between the ground and the, well, not ground everything was white. Then everything started to change I was standing on grass and I was in a wooded area. I started to walk forward and then I saw Alice. I called to her, “ALICE!”, but she didn’t even look at me. I screamed her name again and she still didn’t move. I ran towards her and when I got to her I could see her crying. “Alice, what’s wrong?” I asked her. She turned towards me and I could see that she had a knife sticking out of her stomach. “Oh my God! Alice!” I yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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