N-Dubz story Chapter 1 - Why is life so complicated? (part 2)

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"You fucking bitch!" Kayleigh screamed in my face

"You've been bullying me for months, it's about time I gave you a taste of your own medicine!" I screamed in anger

"Tula, my office NOW" The headteacher, Mr Edwards said, almost shouting after pulling me and Kayleigh apart

"Alright baldylocks, keep your knickers on!" I smirked at him. He wouldn't do anything. He's as wet as water. I'll get sent home for the day probably.

"I swear Sir, I've done nothing to her! She just came up and started hitting me." Kayleigh protested

"I've seen what happened Kayleigh. Tula will be dealt with accordingly." Mr Edwards replied.

"You've not seen the months of abuse I've had off her though have you?! I've been kicked, punched, spat at, had my head kicked in, been followed all the way home and had a bottle lobbed at the back of my head. Are you telling me that after all that, YOU wouldn't retaliate?! I'm not getting into trouble for defending myself when SHE is the one who is the bully! NOT me! If you're dishing out punishment, I suggest you give her some! I've done NOTHING to her at all! All I've tried to do is get on with my school work. She's taken it upon herself to make my life a living hell and put me through months of crap and you seriously want to punish me?! I don't think so mate!" I screamed in anger before stomping off

"Is that true Kayleigh?" Mr Edwards asked her

"No course not! She's lying! Can't you see that?" Kayleigh replied convincingly

"Tula is telling the truth Sir" Sarah piped up in my defence

"In that case, Sarah, tell Tula I apoligise and Kayleigh, I think you better go home and tell your mum you need to look for another school. I'm not having any student feel threatened, intimidated or unsafe. You're at school to learn and school is supposed to be somewhere you feel safe. I'd like you to go home until you find another school" Mr Edwards told her before walking off.

Half an hour later and Sarah finds me sat on the bench just outside school. 

"I've told him that Kayleigh's been bullying you and she's been kicked out of here and told to find another school" Sarah explained to me.

"Thanks" I replied to her

"It's alright, you coming back to class?" Sarah asked me quietly

"Yeah, just give me ten minutes" I told her

"Ok" Sarah said before wandering off

I just needed some space. I pulled one of my cigarettes out of my pocket and smoked it and pulled a water bottle out of my bag. It was full of vodka but obviously it looks like water. Fifteen minutes later, I finished smoking my cigarette, drunk the vodka and made my way to class. I opened the door, tripped over the bin, fell over a chair and sat down.

"Miss?" Kieron piped up

"Yes Kieron?" Miss Adams asked him

"Tula's drunk" Kieron replied, grassing me up

"She doesn't look it to me, Kieron" Miss Adams told him in a quiet tone

"She is Miss. Who else walks in a classroom, trips over a bin that was nowhere near her, trips over a chair and sits down?" Holly asked her.

"You two may have a point. Tula, wait outside please" Miss Adams told me, looking directly into my eyes

"Fuck sake. Do this Tula, do that Tula" I muttered under my breath, before walking out and slamming the door.

Some little year 7 kid was looking at me as she walked past

"What the fuck are you looking at? Dirty scrag. Go wash your hair and get a bath. Tramp" I was in a foul mood and by this point, didn't really care. 

Miss Adams came out five minutes later.

"Right, Tula, I'm going to ask you once and only once, if the answer is yes, I will have to send you home. Have you been drinking?" She asked me

"Yeah" I replied

"Then I'm afraid I have no choice but to send you home. If you'd like to go in the classroom and collect your things and go home please. Try and do it without causing a scene as well please" She told me, trying to wind me up.

I get my things and make my way home. I'm back home about twenty minutes later, My mum wants to know why I'm home early.

"I didn't feel well so I'm off to get some rest" Is all I tell her. Then half an hour later, I get a phone call. It's my mate Richard from school...

N-Dubz story Chapter 1. why is life so complicated?Where stories live. Discover now