Time skip to ze afternoon. :D

I was leaning on a wall of ice while I watched Sokka attempt to and I quote 'train' the little boys living the village.
" Now man, it's important that you show no fear when you face a Firebender." Sokka starts "In Water tribe, we fight to the last men standing. For without courage, how can we call ourselves man?" He questioned finishing his little speech looking at his 'students'. I scoffed "Or woman." catching the attention of Sokka and his 'class'.

"Ugh, can you just leave? This lesson is for warriors only." Sokka deadpan's obviously annoyed. I snickered "Ok wolfie, I've known you for like what? A day? And I can already tell you are Anything but a warrior." I tell him emphasizing anything smirking when I see him starting to go red. I can't tell if it's from embarrassment or anger probably both.

"Oh yeah?! And how do you know that?!" Sokka challenged now anger mixing with the annoyance in his voice. "Because you're looking at one," I confessed pointing my thumb at myself. Sokka raised an eyebrow at me in a sort of challenging manor.
"Really? A girl like you a warrior? Please, don't make me laugh." He replied slyly

"Oh, you wanna go mate?" I challenged ( I'm using this word a lot) cracking my knuckles. Sokka smirked " Then let's go-" He started but,  "Hold it." I interrupted raising a finger in a ' One-second' manner. "I think one of your 'students' has something to say," I tell him making quotation marks before gesturing to the little boys.

Sokka turns back to the little boys he was 'teaching' to see one of the boys hand raised making Him sigh in annoyance.
"I gotta pee!" The little boy whines
"Listen! Until your fathers return from the war, they're counting on you to be the men of this tribe. That means, no potty breaks. Sokka deadpans.
"But I really gotta go." The boy insists on desperation in his voice. Sokka sighed. Once again. Men, this dude sighs a lot.

"Okay... Who else has to go?" Sokka asked defeated and all of the little boys raised there hands. Sokka slaps his forehead annoyed while I had to put my hand over my mouth to even try to quiet my laughter. Kids can be so funny sometimes. Still struggling to hold my laughter as the kids took off for there long-awaited and well-deserved potty break, then Katara came over to Sokka and asked him something. I think about how she can't find Aang and that Gran-gran told her he disappeared an hour ago.

" Wow! Everything freezes in there!" I heard Aang exclaim so, turning around I saw Aang and the kids laughing.
"Ugh! Katara get him out of here! This lesson is for warriors only." Sokka says.
The same thing he said to me, I chuckled when I saw Aang and the kids using Appas tail as a slide with Sokka's spear to help prop his tail up and landing in a pile of snow.

"Stop! Stop it right now!" Sokka demanded marching his way over to them and taking his spear. " What is wrong with you? Both of you we don't have time for fun and games with a war going on." Sokka tells Aang who looked confused and so was I.
"What war? What are you talking about?" Aang asked slipping off Appa "Yeah Wolfie spill."(the tea XD) I encouraged.

"Your kidding right?" Sokka asked Aang who looked like he was going to answer when suddenly he sees something behind the questioning teenager that made his eyes go wide which, when I looked appeared to be a penguin. "Penguin!" Aang shouted and was going to take off so before that happened I grabbed the back of his shirt. "Take it easy kiddo." I tell him in result, made him turn around and look at me with the pouty look.

" Oi, don't look at me like that, besides I need you to stay so you can watch me kick Sokka's sexist ass." I reason with him. His face quickly turned to excitement as he nodded. I then glance at Katara who had a big grin on her face, probably also excited to see Sokka get his ass kicked I mean, I am too. And finally, I turned to my opponent who's face held determination and was also wearing a smirk. Probably a little too confident and has convinced himself that I was just some weak little girl who can't fight. Yea, 'weak' if that is what this guy thinks then I can't wait to prove him wrong.

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