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It's been 2 weeks since you won  Flumpty's game, and you're still trapped in his home. You go up to Flumpty, and ask him if you can go out. He nods. "Yeah! ..I thought i told you that when you won." You shake your head. "..Oh. Well, still! Come back if you want to." He says, smiling. "Yeah!" Blam says from the halls.

You decide to go home to your family, or just hang out with your friends. (if you don't have family or friends then you just,,, stay at home,,,)

A while later, you come back to Flumpty's house, and go in. You're greeted by Eyesaur, who growls but then bonks you gently. Flumpty soon appears. "Hey! Welcome back!" He smiles. Strangely, Blam is missing. You ask where he is. "Well, actually...i don't know. He could be playing again, or something else." Flumpty says, looking around for Blam.

Blam's eyes are visible under a table, but Flumpty doesn't seem to notice. He looks at you for a moment, before looking at Flumpty. He smiles wide, sharp teeth barely visible under the table. He suddenly jumps out from the table, pulling a really terrifying face. Flumpty doesn't even flinch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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